[h1][b][i][color=Orange][center]Michelle Diggby[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://media.tenor.com/images/01c8de7ba9ea2d946e5cc4caef32a32b/tenor.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Orange][b]Location[/b][/color]: The Palace Grounds [color=orange](E3)[/color] [color=Orange][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Identity Obscuration [/center] [hr][hr] Michelle rounded off her performance with a demonstration of oral skills she had zero intention of ever using with some of the discarded firearms, seductively tucking a pistol into her waistband. With a final sexy flourish, Michelle slung a rifle over her shoulder, saluted the boys and sashay'd into the palace. Round the first corner the deception was brought to a close. She pinched her eyes closed and massaged her forehead, seriously contemplating misusing her powers on herself to forget the last few minutes. [color=orange][i]"Urp, gross... Another good reason to undo this reality."[/i][/color] Despite how little she had enjoyed the experience, it had gotten her team in, which was the important bit. A couple of deep breaths later, Michelle continued following the signs for Royal Quarters, hoping to catch up with her team already investigating the source of this madness when she bumped into them only a little further down the hallway, distracted by some cute pets. Michelle resisted the temptation to do many things to Tinley and Niah from pushing them both over to startling them, weapons drawn. Instead Michelle leaned in stealthily, between the pair. [color=orange]"Questioning a key witness? Is Tiddles here responsible for restarting the universe?"[/color] Michelle asked Agent Abercrombie before turning her head and asking Agent Bautista, [color=orange]" I take it you know this sweetheart from the real world."[/color]