[h3]Sebastian’s Turn | Init: 9[/h3] [b]HP[/b] 11/11 + 3 | Status: None[hr] Sylvanna had been running at full speed for a while now - her eyes were still wild with animalistic fear, but under Sebastian's hand she was obediently running back towards the town, her flanks heaving under him. They had passed Surina not long ago, and it was impressive how far the woman could run without needing to stop. But his mind wasn't on the dragonborn or even the dragon. No, it was on the kobolds attacking his sister and their employees. One was running away; it had seen them, and only just begun to change their course. A dark look crossed his face. Not so fast. He drew his sword, and as he rode past, he swung. It was a clean attack - there were two soft thumps behind him, one after the other. He pulled back on the reins, and dismounted, starting to attach his shield to his arm. [hider=Turn Summary]Sebastian arrives on Sylvana - leaving him with 0 speed. He attacks Kobold H, and hits with a 12. He does 6 points of slashing damage. [/hider]