[h3]Magdar’s Turn | Init: 6[/h3] [b]HP[/b] 12/12 + 3 | Status: None[hr] It took Magdar all of a second to charge into the fray. The sword painted on his shield seems to be a weapon of its own; as if Tempus himself were with his servant in this very moment. But no; the true weapon was the axe in the dwarf's hand. He charged for the kobold at Rhaeyla's defence, battle cry roaring forth from his lips. This ill-timed battle cry only alerted the kobold to its incoming attacker, however, and it leapt out of the way. Of the first attack. The second was a different story. Wielding his axe like a bat, Magdar attacked - and it went flying. [hider=Turn Summary]Magdar attacks, and rolls a 4. Magdar uses his War Priest ability and attacks again with his bonus action - he rolls a 22, and deals 9 slashing damage.[/hider]