[center][img]https://puu.sh/zOBE4/03901218f5.png[/img][/center] [hr] [color=999cc8]“Don’t feel like it...”[/color] Snow said, her body curled up and eyes staring forward into deep space. As diligent as Ryuma had been, the smell of blood was ever lingering in the bathrooms, and the sound of an active shower was the only noise to fill the air. As Snow took a deep yet stuttery breath, she slowly rotated her head towards Ryuma, revealing two fatigued eyes that had yet to look completely alive. Her expression was not of terror or desperation, it was a tired face of defeat and solitude. Slowly grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her tightly, she bend over forward, intent on getting up from the cold wet floor, but her trembling limbs proved quite a challenge. With every inch she moved, it felt like thorns pricking her legs, trying to make her collapse all over again. But looking at Ryuma shortly, Snow breathed in once more and mustered all her strength, shooting herself up from the ground. [color=999cc8]“I’m gonna get clean clothes, it’s freezing here.”[/color] She dully spoke, walking out of the shower stall and past Ryuma. As she walked by the mirror, her head instinctively peered into it, though the foggy looking glass revealed nothing but a white and pink silhouette, perhaps for the best, so she kept walking. Before she could reach the exit though, she noticed something; turning around, she walked right past Ryuma again, albeit more swiftly this time. A shower was still running, and the stall door was closed, but there was nobody there but the two. [color=999cc8]“Ryuma, why is this shower turned on?”[/color] She asked as she stood in front of the stall door with furrowed eyebrows. [hr] [center][img]https://puu.sh/Cs665/2a71aa9492.png[/img][/center] Over at the crime scene, the chaos had not yet loosened its grip on everyone as they all tried to come to terms with the murder and make sense of it. And in the middle of them all stood Flare, her head tucked down and mind running in circles. She tried to rationalize what had happened in so many ways, but every attempt did nothing but make her more confused. Killing is never the answer, not a single time was it the solution to Flare, no matter what way she sliced it, it was wrong and unforgivable, and nobody should ever have to suffer from it. This thought process kept up for some time, until someone bumped into her shoulder, snapping her back to reality. As Flare abruptly looked up, she was greeted by snow’s stiff body being carried by Ryuma, causing even more confusion. Snow was alive wasn’t she, then why was she like that? Seeing Ryuma carry her away like that, Flare wanted to run after them and ask, but instead, she looked at the body again and sighed. ... Naomi was dead, and she died right here in this place; didn’t even get the chance to scream for help. [i]‘God knows I would’ve come running’[/i] she thought to herself, yet all she could do now was remember her. And even then, thinking about it, Flare actually didn’t even get to know Naomi, not in the slightest; through some cruel fate, Flare had missed every interaction she could get so now, what was there to even remember? Nothing but the info on the e-pad. Taking the pad into her hands, Flare started scrolling through the students, swiping right multiple times, until her finger stopped, it’s tip on the picture of the deceased. Yet as Flare read through the info, she spotted a tiny notification icon in the corner of the screen, and upon tapping it, something revealed itself. [color=fbd178]“everyone! Check your E-pad!”[/color] She shouted holding hers above her head. [color=fbd178]“There’s information a-about Naomi.”[/color] As she spoke, she remembered Monokuma’s words. [color=lightGray][b]“I’ll provide you with further instructions once the investigation time is up-”[/b][/color] [color=fbd178]“This monokuma file has info not unlike a case file you find in detective shows...I think we’re supposed to investigate, the bear said so; something to do with a class trial.”[/color] Though she still spoke calmly, her tone was somewhat high, slightly depicting a more desperate side.