[hider=OLIVIA DE LA TORRES] [center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC4xYjgzN2MuVDJ4cGRtbGhJR1JsSUd4aElGUnZjbkpsY3csLC4wAAAA/julietta-signature.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d8/c5/0a/d8c50a14d3d23b64f7f8ec116b197b57.jpg[/img] [color=008B8B][sub][/sub][/color] [/center] [hr] [color=008B8B][b]| N A M E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Olivia de la Torres[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| A G E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] 19[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| B I R T H D A T E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] 11,Novermber[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| P E R C I E V E D G E R N D E R |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Female[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| S E X U A L I T Y |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Bisexual[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| A P P E R A N C E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Olivia's hair color is one of the few things she has been able to keep ever since she was admitted into Spring Hills, so she does what she can to take care of it and retouch it when she can. She usually wears something comfortable, which include shorts, leggings, and lost of sweaters. There is a small scar that starts on the side of her neck that leads to the middle, but it is very faint.[/color] [hr] [color=008B8B][b]| W H Y A R E Y O U H E R E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Olivia was diagnosed with schizophrenia at the age of 13 when she started to hear voices and see people no one else could. The meds and therapy her mother worked so hard to afford were only helping so much. After years of misery, Olivia found out about Spring Hills and admitted herself in to relieve her mother of Olivia and her burden. [/color] [color=008B8B][b]| R E S I D E N C Y |[/b][/color] [Color=gray] 6 months.[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| N E G A T I V E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] Olivia has always seen hallucinations since she was a child, but the voices she often heard were only gibberish. No real words. That was until she came to Spring Hills. She can't sleep with all the sound around her that she can't blur out or mute. It makes Olivia jittery and jumpy around people. Sometimes the voices are so loud she has to overpower them with other sounds. [/color] [color=008B8B][b]| P O S I T I V E |[/b][/color] [color=gray] [sub]DEATH WHISPER - Olivia is able to connect to the supernatural, which gives her the capability to hear the voices of people who were murdered or previously died. They can gain advice and sense when a person is close to death.[/sub] Olivia can talk to the dead, although she doesn't know this yet. Since she has schizophrenia she assumes that these voices she hears are only hallucinations. Assumes that they are not real. While some of the things she sees are not real, the voices are of the dead around her that she can sense. Sometimes they beg for her to listen. Sometimes they demand and scream and scare her. She thinks it's all fake and just wants it to stop. [/color] [hr] [color=008B8B][b]| P E R S O N A L I T Y |[/b][/color] [Color=gray] Kind | Quiet | Evasive | Suspicious | Impatient | Shy | Absent Minded Olivia is often seen alone. She doesn't talk to anyone, and if she has to, she often avoids eye contact. Her eyes move a lot as she is trying to ignore the hallucinations that plague her and she doesn't like to talk about them either. While Olivia is shy and won't start a conversation unless she needs to, she is kind to those who manage to get to know her the slightest bit. Olivia's speech is sometimes slurred when the hullucinations or the voices are empowering over her mind. It's one of the few cues she gives to signal other that everything around her is crazy at the moment.[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| B I O G R A P H Y |[/b][/color] [Color=gray] Olivia had a pretty nice childhood. Being the only daughter for her first ten years of her life, she was pretty spoiled. She had friends, real and not. It was at twelve when she realized that her imaginary friends started to say weird things to her. They no longer wanted to play. They were no longer her friends. Olivia thought she was crazy. That someone or something had cursed her. Olivia told her mom just a year later when her baby brother was only three years old. With no father in the picture, Oliva's mom was forced to work double jobs in order to pay for Olivia's meds and therapy and childcare for the baby. All the while, Olivia struggled in school and tried to keep her hallucinations a secret; afraid that the other kids would call her names and leave her alone. She didn't want that. She didn't want to be alone with nothing but her own mind that was out to get her. On her 18th Birthday, Olivia tried to take her own life. Of course, she failed, and her mother's worries rose while Olivia's guilt worsen. Just a year later Olivia saw a pamphlet for Spring Hills. Without hesitation, she signed herself up without telling her mother. It took Olivia five months to finally contact her mother and tell her of her whereabouts. Her mother was relieved to see her in a place where she was being treated and showed her support for Olivia. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Now if only the meds and therapy in Spring Hills would work she could maybe go back home without feeling the gult of being alive.[/color] [color=008B8B][b]| T R I V I A |[/b][/color] [Color=gray] - Olivia enjoys colorful things. Which is why she tends to dye her hair when she is allowed to. - Olivia has a creative side. She has a few sketchbooks and tried to sketching them when she can. She's not very good, but she tries to improve her art. When her hallucinations are bad, she sketches out the things she sees and rips the papers in little pieces to soothe her.[/color] [/hider]