Lilith yawned, stretching discreetly at the black of her History class, and then quickly writing down some reminders on the back of her pale hand, in a messy scrawl. The teacher’s lecture was killing off her brain cells. Taking out her cellphone, she turned up the volume of her current favorite song and properly adjusted her electric blue headphones. The teacher, blathering on about things she could care less about, didn’t notice. A few songs later, the bell rang and Lilith stood, grateful to use her legs. She packed up and walked out slowly, taking her time. She definitely had no wish to be stampeded over by the other students, eager to get out. In the hallway, Lilith’s rubber soled combat boots squeaked rather loudly against the floor, making several students and teachers glare and cover their ears, to which she glared back. She headed swiftly towards the classroom used the school used for Detention, as the staff had been none too pleased with the ‘wonderful’ masterpiece Lilith had created on the school wall with spray paint, and had sent her there for vandalizing the school. They were always so ungrateful for her stunts, even though she had so kindly dedicated this one to them. Lilith snickered softly, remembering about the angry, shocked and embarrassed expressions she had witnessed when they saw her work of art. She swiftly hurried down to the basement, slowing down when she was halfway there. No need to waste energy Lilith could save for angering even more staff. The shadows of the room elongated, calling out for her, reaching out as if she were their mother. She smirked, letting them trail behind her like devoted followers – which they were – then cloaking herself in them. They ‘felt’ cold and smooth, like silk. She arrived at her destination, and walked in to see Farah, Naomi, Euan, Seb, John, and Nikki already there. Nikki was just saying, “We’ll have to let someone else handle these…” Lilith took a glance at the screen and had to agree. They were still kids, and terrorist attacks were too much. She went to find somewhere quiet to meditate, though still within hearing distance of everyone, in case something came up.