[hr] 05/13/2047 : 21:14 [i]Begin transmission[/i] [indent] So, I buried another partner this week. Jackson. We were on a routine call out, just checking another street as always. It was one shot, and it wasn't even meant for him. It's getting harder everyday out there, crime is at an all time high and every other week we lose officers and special agents. Hell, I'm a trained special agent myself and I've been pushed down to fill in on beat work because we're stretched so thin. Everyday there's a new threat. It started with that new drug. They call it Nirvana. It's a synthetic creation and we can't track where it's being made, who made it, and who is distributing it. We just have to see the husks it leaves behind, the broken families, the bodies... We thought it was contained within the underbelly of society but it's spreading. Then of course there is Luke. Luke Bennett. He's that sketchy candidate for office, he's picking up a lot of traction with people based on hate and fearmongering in our underprivileged communities. He's a hateful, power-hungry man who is building some kind of cult. We can't stop him because I'm sure he has blood money running through all sorts of departments. You know, just the usual shady shit. The gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider, people are losing their jobs, their homes... There is a crisis about to happen with basic resources - more and more people are on food stamps, more and more people are forced between choosing to keep the lights on for a night or feed themselves. Just last week seven teenagers died from exposure to irradiated and toxic water because the nuclear plant dumped some in a pond where kids are known to play and hang out. We are expecting more fallout from this yet. I'm trying my best... To hold it together, to keep a strong front. To be someone in the community that can guide people through these dark hours but I'm constantly stopped by something else. I'm strained, God I can't remember the last time I slept properly. I just feel that we're on the brink of a complete disaster. The wrong people are being given power and they don't want to change anything - they want to make things worse. Cedar Fort is where I was born and raised and it used to be a great place. Now it's just ugly. I feel like I can't help anyone anymore, and that's why I'm reaching out to you... 12 years ago you kept darkness from our doors with your gifts, your powers, your spirit. We believed in you, put our trust in you. Then something happened, maybe we over-policed you... Some of you died, you had your own issues but you all disappeared, went off the radar completely. Of course, you could. Your identities were secret - I could well have walked past any of you, maybe you made my coffee... The point is that I don't know who any of you are, except for one. Tonight I investigated an apartment in the city. Dead guy, kind of a usual call. I called it in and checked out the apartment and found in the back of his closet a suit, yeah, a suit. Turns out that Harrison Moore was the real life persona of the Superhero known as Hex. That's not all I found, turns out Mr Moore was either going absolutely bananas, or knew something was coming. That was his power right? He was some kind of Warlock? I found his journals, his computer files - everything. He was adamant of some kind of apocalyptic event, and I've been checking and so far a lot of the things he wrote about have happened. The water thing? He wrote of something similar weeks ago. He's written repeatedly about a Reality Bringer. He seems to have died of a suspected overdose of Nirvana, he was alone when he died but I don't think this was accidental. If my pleas and fucking sad story haven't intrigued you, I want this to. At some point, Moore was your friend and colleague. I believe that he was the only known Superhero to have had affiliations and relationships with all of the various factions around the US and globe. He was really one of the good guys, and he died alone - sitting on this discovery... So please, if you're out there - any of you. We need you more than ever before. Hex was the best of you, and he knew something was about to happen. So I'm asking you - if any of you are still alive, it's time to come out of the shadows. I'm sorry, I'm no storyteller - I have no superpowers of persuasion. I'm just an agent at the end of her rope, with no other options left now. We need you. We need hope. [/indent] [hr] [b]Welcome to Redux![/b] A cyberpunk/futuristic Superhero roleplay with a twist. [indent]You will be playing an older, jaded superhero who was forced back into normal life. The world seemingly no longer wanted you. Perhaps you fucked up, perhaps fame got too much, perhaps you had a rivalry with another hero... For whatever reason, things went sour for you, and for 12 years you've lived a normal life. Until now. A video plea from Special Agent Addison Reynolds of Cedar Fort has been pushed through secretive old communications channel that she - and you, have access to. It's time to return to a world that turned it's back on you. It's time to put your suit back on, even if it no longer fits. You're the only one who can save us from the disaster prophesied by your old colleague, Hex. Are you ready for it?[/indent] [hr] Join the official RP Discord - https://discord.gg/YF6BchQ [b]Rules and Things [/b] [indent]As per the plot, looking for characters who are more mature, grizzled veterans with lives beyond their superhero years. They have children, jobs, a lot of shit in their lives etc. It can be as dark as you like. You are a superhero who was chewed up and spat out. So with that in mind, [b]no teen superheroes.[/b] This is a futuristic/cyberpunk style setting - so I'll be looking at what kind of tech we'll have access to, but I'm thinking Mass Effect-esque. Technology that is helpful but doesn't allow you to take shortcuts. This is advanced level, so I'm looking for people who can commit not only to advanced standards, but to the roleplay long term. Posting expectations are a post every 2 weeks. If we can have a faster pace then great, but I want all selected players to be on board together. Be considerate, communicate. If you can't post for whatever reason, just let me know. If you're working on collabs with other players, let them know too. Be kind. I really, really, [i]really[/i] don't want dick behaviour in the OOC, it doesn't foster the kind of atmosphere I like to create. So be nice to each other, respectful, and helpful. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I will remove people who start ruining the groove. No Godmoding or Powerplaying. This is a story, not a competition to be Billy or Betty badass. Keep your characters balanced. I don't want to enforce strict rules that stifle your creativity in creating a superhero, I will always be reasonable and work with you to create a powerful hero with the skills that you want but you have to be prepared to tone some things down if necessary. Keep it PG-13. You know the rules of the guild. No naughty posts in the IC. If you really have to, take it to PM.[/indent] [hr] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [hider=Character Sheet Template][indent] [b]Name[/b]: Character's name and any alias they may go by [b]Alias[/b]: Their superhero name, of course. [b]Age[/b]: [b]Powers[/b]: A quick run down of what makes your character super. Try to make their superpowers cohesive and balanced. For example, if your character is pyrokinetic, don't give them water powers also. This is where you can be super creative, so go for it! [b]Weaknesses[/b]: You have your powers, so explain what could be a foil to them. What kind of enemy would your hero hate to face off against. [b]Appearance[/b]: A description of your character - pictures encouraged also. No anime please. Go ham on costumes ;o [b]Equipment[/b]: WHat does your superhero carry around with them on duty? Do they have weapons, armour. [b]Origin[/b]: How did your hero get their powers? Bitten by a radioactive spider? Locked in a nuclear reactor? What sort of life did they lead before obtaining their powers? Who are some of the people that are key players in their lives? What have they been doing since 'retiring' the cape and mask? [b]Personality[/b]: What makes your hero tick? Who are they behind the mask? What are they afraid of, what do they love? What are their flaws and weaknesses? What makes them strong? [b]Misc Facts[/b]: What are some random things you want to share about your character? [b]Relationship with Hex[/b]: How did your hero know Hex? This is going to be the reason your character responds to Addison's message. Mentor? Friend? Lover? Team mater? Frenemy? [i]Actual Rival?[/i][/indent][/hider] [b]Please Note[/b]; This is not a first come first served roleplay. You are not guaranteed a place in the game. Submissions for characters sheets are open until the 28th August - where I will give feedback and pick players. I'll try my best to give feedback on sheets that come in until then, and please join the Discord if you want faster answers, or to spitball ideas. I'm imagining about 5-6 players, but there's always room for more based on merit of character and sheet :) Any other questions, direct them to me - or join the Discord. See you soon, Supers!