[@Gentlemanvaultboy] "Alright, Sis," Christine replied with a gentle smile. "I'll take care of everything. You just have to rest, okay?" She then lifted her hands from hers before she stood up and left the bed entirely. She then walked to the wireless phone placed just a few feet away from said bed. She took the device, entered some numbers, and then stood there waiting for the other side to pick up, all the while fidgeting in place. She was nervous, that much was obvious. "Who is this? Who is this speaking?" On the other side was a booming, manly voice that was all too familiar to her. It was her father, and he was not happy with this stranger daring to call him directly to his cellphone; the number only being shared to a few. "P-Papa? I-it's me, Christine..." "C-Chrissy? I-is that really you, Chrissy?!" Christine then began telling him everything that had happened to her and Kath. Well, mostly the latter. All amidst her father shouting back over the phone with his loud voice. She had to keep the phone away just so her ears wouldn't hurt. Of course, she didn't tell him about Clara. If she did, well, she was afraid that her papa would go back here and punch Clara himself. He was a large, musclebound man who was never afraid of anyone (well, the exception might be his wife when she's angry). He would certainly never allow anyone who hurt his daughters to just walk freely. She still remember one guy who tried peeking up her short dress while they were having a family vacation. Broken legs and arms were just the start, if not for Christine begging for him to stop. As for the matter relating to the demon, she told him about it while reassuring him that it was under control by Kath. She wasn't lying. That was what Kath had just told her after all. The call lasted for a while, about half an hour to be exact, and Kath would be able to hear every sentence Christine was saying. But eventually, it ended, and Christine took a long sigh of relief as she put the phone down. She then walked back to Kath with a relieved smile. "Done. Though Papa nearly made us leave our schools and this town entirely. I had to convince him that there's no need for it," she said proudly.