When the ping for the meeting arrived, Tanya was still sleeping in her bunk. She had never been the best sleeper, always turning back and forth in her sleep with her mouth half-open. So it was no surprise when the reminder came, with the AI speaking, she rolled down her bed in an attempt to turn it off, thinking it was just a cheap, old-fashioned alarm clock. "Urgh..." She groaned as she finally woke up after falling face first to the floor. Yawning, she slowly got up to her feet. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. Now could you please shut up?" She was always in a bad mood every time she got woken up abruptly like this. She then walked into the restroom and gave her face a good washing, not caring in the slightest that some of the water was splashing down her chest as well. Then, she unbuttoned and pulled down her shorts and panties before sitting down and taking a leak, letting out the most unladylike sigh out of her mouth. She had abandoned her noble heritage completely. She wasn't some highborn lady anymore. After finishing her business, she delayed going to the meeting room until the very end. Her excitement in taking her first mission had vanished completely, knowing that it wasn't going to be anything exciting. And she certainly wasn't going to pretend to be the ideal rider for a task she wasn't excited with. Once the time came, she exited her room and went straight to the meeting, where she arrived last. Without saying a word, she took an open seat, crossed her legs, and waited until the commander began. ... Yep, it was just a patrol mission, as expected. She yawned at the end of the briefing before going back to her room to prepare. Like the commander said, she would just ask the AI for more details on this terribly boring mission.