[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190519/8a76258f0fa7a64c9123d41709a46e86.png[/img][/center][center][sub][color=darkgray][color=white][b]::[/b] [/color]the streets of thorinn [color=white][b]//[/b] [/color] thorinn [color=white][b]::[/b][/color][/color][/sub][/center][hr]Alex was at a loss for words at the small gathering that had formed around what had just been him and Eaudenil. When he came up with the design for his outfit, he had played it safe and just decided to model it off whatever the rich NPCs wore, with some adjustments here and there for comfort and utility. He didn´t know a lot about roleplaying or looking like a warrior, so he had just assumed that dressing well was just looking like you were loaded as opposed to strutting around in generic peasant clothes. All it took was one look at the other, more confident players to prove him wrong. From the intricate and morbid outfit a player called Tif wore to the brutal armor of the one who had referred to her as such, Alex suddenly felt a whole lot smaller than before. Even Verglas, who was going for the same shtick as him, managed to overshadow Alex with the booming voice of someone you´d actually think was nobility. The outlier of the group had been Tessa, who made Alex think she was trapped in the wrong game. He was especially jealous of her though, as he felt she was in the same boat as him in terms of not caring about roleplaying, if her potty mouth was anything to go by. [color=#87c735]“Can´t say I´ve seen anyone like that, sorry guys,”[/color] he said, cupping his chin in thought. It was awkward to be in the middle of a reunion full of people you didn´t know, so he had fallen back on mentally retracing his steps. [color=#87c735]"Wait..." [/color] His eyes narrowed and looked at Eaudenil. [color=#87c735]“You were shoved to the ground right? Could it have been the chick they´re talking about?”[/color]