“Oh…do I detect a hint of possessiveness, Lord Hygrace?” She chuckled as he mentioned nobody would dare come near her when she was seen with him or smelt of him. Like a wolf marking its territory with its own scents. “I didn’t know Vampires marked humans…then again most don’t leave them alive either I suppose.” The Lady mused on the world of predator prey semantics. She ducked underneath a low hanging tree branch and span around to walk backward a few steps as he explained he liked to indulge in the arts and music. “I see. A painter and musician, are you? You’ll have to play me a song sometime.” She joked with the reclusive vamp before turning back to face forward. She knew he wasn’t that sociable and didn’t seem the type to show off any of his skills. But it was fun to indulge his ego a tad. Men secretly liked their egos being stroked, a vampire would be no different. He was very creative, well read, classy, a master of many art forms including dancing, then again, he had the upper hand of being a superior being to humans in almost every way. As he expressed that she was more knowledgeable than other women he had met before, she felt flattered by this. “Why thank you.” She placed a delicate hand to her chest. “My father instructed me in the art of fencing and archery. He also taught me how to play chess and the piano.” She adored her father and time spent with him were her most happy memories. “I had private tutelage from a Cambridge professor in the subjects of English literature, astronomy and geography, some sciences and maths.” She explained as she ran her fingers past a few leaves of a tree they passed by. The moonlight lit the way toward their destination and soon revealed an open clearing. “As you’ve no doubt noticed, I have a thirst for knowledge. I lap up any non-fictional book placed in front of me. So naturally, when I found my father’s journals, I was quite eager to learn more about his life, The Order, everything about this strange life and all of its mysteries. Some mysteries I’ve found to be more...[i]pleasurable[/i] to experience. Such as sharing a dance with a handsome vampire.” She smiled as she got to the door of the summer house and turned the handle. It had a simple bolt lock inside and an oil filled lantern to use. It was so dark inside due to the shade of the trees, she felt around for the table for the matches. She assumed the vampire had much higher capabilities of seeing in the darkness, he was a nocturnal hunter after all. “What type of painting do you like to do - landscapes or portraits?" Victoria enquired. The interior was filled with white wicker lounge chairs and a small velvet cushioned Chaise longue with ivory detail and cream coloured fabric. Everything one would need for a bright summer's day. A complete Ming China tea set sat on a glass coffee table.