[quote]>.> ummm we have technology now days that can make NV that small....it's just to expensive to put into production. [/quote] Please show me evidence of this, and I will let you have the goggles. I have never, ever, heard or seen any evidence or proof that NVG's could be made this small or sleek. Quite frankly, I wasn't really looking for a discussion - I want you to change them to regular NVG's, or take them off of your character sheet. I don't like them, and they don't fit the feel or mood I'm looking for in [i]my[/I] game world. [quote]I hate to be a bother, but if it's posted from Tuesday morning to Thursday evening, I'll have no way of responding, as not only am I on a trip to the south of France for Latin class, my laptop will finally be getting repairs after a catastrophic fan incident half a year ago. Hope this doesn't pose too much of a problem![/quote] Not a problem at all - you've let me know, so it's no problem. I won't be pushing things to move too quickly anyway, so it's not likely you'll miss too much.