[right][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjI0ZWQyMS5VR1Z6ZEdsc1pXNTBJRVZ0WlhKaGJHUSwuMAAA/sickness.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjlkYjg3YS5WR2hsSUZCc1lXZDFaV0p5YVc1blpYSSwuMAAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/right] [color=lime]"New bosses, new enemies, if only I had the time to catalog them...!"[/color] Pestilent Emerald ran through the "battlefield" with her drone taking full advantage of it's speed in the actual fight, dodging quick around the not-very abundant walls of the area. Some places had some decent cover, others didn't, but the flashing buffs on Pestilent Emerald's HUD kept her feeling pretty confident in her abilities. Her drone's fumes were ticking onto both the boss and his drones alike, meaning the Plagued debuff was in full swing. The boss didn't seem to take much damage from the status, but the drones were all taking hits over and over, some of them busting while the damage was converted into a shield for P.E.. She would've targeted a blade user, but as it stood they weren't really easily able to get close. At least right now P.E. could move to a better location before retargeting. [quote=Miss...?][color=75a5bb]"Yoohoo! Fellow drone user eh? I've got a lovely piece of cover if you wanna talk while our drones do stuff."[/color][/quote] [color=lime]"Uhh... sure...?"[/color] Pestilent said as she darted over to the cover with this... oddly dressed individual. The outfit was definitely part of your branding, but this outfit was... odd. It wasn't at all something you'd expect someone to wear on a battlefield, except for maybe one of those weird anime. Ah well, this wouldn't be for long, Pestilent hoped. She ducked back behind the ruined postal office walls as she saw something pop up on her HUD. >Unfinished Agony cooldown reset. Good. She could restart the debuff timers on the boss. [color=lime]"H-hello! I'm not sure I've met you before. New player to High Ground?"[/color] Pestilent asked as she stayed down behind cover. She extended a hand to the new player with a smile under her mask, though since the player probably couldn't see that, she took her other hand and drew herself a smile with a finger. [color=lime]"Pestilent Emerald, Deputy of the Golden Guardians. You?"[/color]