Pylia ate the last of the berries she had. She poked the dead Darkmantle before uttering a silent prayer over it. "I'm fine now. I should've guessed that they might be here, damned things. We should be extra careful, who knows if there's more down here." Shortfang went to go make sure the other one was dead too, chopping it up with his scimitar when he picked something up. "Hey! Shortfang found eye!" He came back to the others and showed them a dark blue gemstone eye, similar to the purple one you picked up earlier. Pylia looked at it and nodded. "It's the same shape as the other one. We must be on the right track then." Pylia pointed towards another small hall leading further beyond. "If I had to guess, the other three gemstones we're looking for are just through there. Doubtful that we'll just stumble upon them though. I'm sure there's some danger waiting for us ahead." [hider=Rolls and Info] Shortfang (20/20) Sylvia (14/15) Pylia (16/17) [/hider]