Hmm, so I had an idea to go for a commoner who bears a crest. That is because, unbeknownst to him, either he's the bastard of one of the noble houses, or someone in his family was and the capability to get a crest was passed down that way. Not sure how far back the connection goes. Anyway. He's caught thieving/spying/doing other shady stuff in a prominent noble's house and gets caught. But as they realize he has their family crest and their own heir(s) don't, he's adopted and presented as their legitimate son who they've just kept away from spotlight all these years. So this scoundrel who knows nothing about nobility or customs ends up being sent to the academy and having to play the part of a noble heir, ayy. I might reuse an older character (with appropriate tweaks) since he fits the role quite well, or make a new one. Haven't yet decided, but got the basic idea down. Also! Could I reserve house Sylmare? I feel like the whole atmosphere of sabotage in Cretus would fit my plans the best. The house could claim they kept their crest-bearing heir a secret in fear of assassination, after all. Speaking of, his eventual class will be Assassin, so sword/bow focus. Err, with all that said, would I mark him down as commoner or noble class?