[h2]NPCs:[/h2] [indent][list] [*] [hider=Captain Ravana] 38 year old captain of the Kismet. A transport vessel, usually used to move merchants goods around Tamriel. Occasionally an exploration ship. The Captain and the ship are synonymous with each other - and Ravana has Captained the vessel for fifteen years. Not much is known about the man beyond the mild celebrity that he has. That he is charismatic, easy to work with, adventurous, and an especially talented swordsman. He wields two Scimitars with ease, despite their size he is acrobatic enough to manage both, and his style of fighting has been compared to dancing - which, coincidentally he also enjoys. He is a known lothario, and the fact that he has a long-term partner is not widely known. He rests on his reputation to protect himself and is said to be very image conscious, and savvy about it. [/hider] [*] [*] [/list][/indent]