[center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] Nods. "Alright. Let's get in there." Pushes the throttle and accelerates towards the battle. The two fleets are pretty evenly matched, with the Foundry's outer defenses giving the Republic a light edge. As my ship flies closer, weaving between asteroids and ducking canon fire, I notice the Republic is not only scrambling fighters, but also escorting tug ships carrying Sith Hunter droids. As the tug nears one of the Harrower-class dreadnoughts, the tug releases one of the droids, allowing it to float down and magnetically lock it's feet onto the dreadnought's hull. The droid then begins to march across the exterior of the ship, assaulting it at point blank with missiles, high powered blaster shots and even focused laser cutters. "Oh jeez..." With all of the fighting around us, nobody seems to notice us slipping past the defensive line. I fly the [i]Rancor's Den[/i] as fast as it will go towards the hanger built into the asteroid's side, slowing only at the last minute to land safely. "Alright. Hopefully the Imperial team made it in safely." I bring up the comm. "Imp Team! This is HJ! Did you make it?" [center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] "We are called Omega Team, not Imp Team! And yes, we made it in." My team of six is in a different hanger, currently engaging a security team of Republic troopers. "We'll rendezvous with with you as soon as possible. Our goal is the main administration office." [center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] "Copy that, Imp Leader." I end the call before he can correct me. "Alright. You ready to go, Hank?" Outside, I see a security team running to stop us from advancing from the hanger. I hold my hand over the button to open the cargo bay doors, preparing to release Huntress.