Rex sat in the study of Lord Mayor Jivarn's office. He'd commandeered the place from him for a few days, the Elder vampire having been a friend of his father, Magnus. He had gotten hold of a report on a subject he was very interested in, the rise of nonsapient undead. It was information he had been trying to get the Council to actually acknowledge but they refused to do so, since it would mean being open to an alliance with their most hated enemy and the current de-facto leader of the Council, Lord Regent Argos, hated his father and him by extension, sneering that he wasn't fully of age yet to hold any weight, even if he was the King. "My King,." Lord Jivarn poked his head in, the slim vampire looking at him. "A hunter has entered the City. I thought you'd might like to know. He appears to be alone for now. As you know only a select few know of your presence here." Rex nodded. "With this new report... I can no longer wait on a Council led by that fool. I thought we'd changed, especially when Uncle and the others were hunted down. Skuggi, go check the skies, it's a cloudy night so you'll be fairly unseen." A fluttering of wings headed out into the night. Standing, Rex headed for his jacket and gloves. A plain mask went over his face, hiding away the tattoos around his eyes and the rest of his face. Either side would have a field day if they knew he was here. As far as the Council was concerned he'd vanished from his home, a note saying he was travelling. He stepped outside, breathing deeply before he slipped into the night.