Captain Weaver was flanked by Trident members in what felt like a blink of an eye. She resisted the urge to step away, grab some fresh air out on the balcony, and jump into the ocean all together. [i]That wouldn’t be very Captain-like now would it?[/i], the Admiral would say. “Oh, don’t concern yourself with lil ol me.” She said to Val, letting the country twang in her voice hang loose. The Droquilian was known to be a bit mischievous, but he had a way of putting her at ease. “You should be worrying about yourself. You stayin’ out of trouble?” Classic deflection from Weaver, but she wouldn’t get off that easy. Izumo Yuriko introduced herself soon after. She knew all about Izzy, or Voice, as she received a thorough briefing about her from the Admiral. Weaver introduced herself in kind, restraining from making a salute. Voice was USS after all, but the Trident was an informal attachment. Aside from Captain, there really wasn’t a ranking system. “Well, there’s no getting passed any of you.” Weaver nodded as Voice mentioned the staging area. “I’ve a speech to make after Rear Admiral Omarkei makes his introduction, whenever that is...” It was odd that the Admiral hadn’t shown his face yet, but he was a busy man. He didn’t have to be here, but he insisted, and perhaps that’s why she was so nervous about going up on stage. The speech didn’t have to be good, it had to be the best, because that’s what she always gave him. “Whoa!” Weaver nearly jumped out of her boots from the sudden knock against the glass behind her. She turned to see the Quirinian Uruna, floating majestically in the aquatic space. The glass was so well-polished that it almost looked like there wasn’t a barrier between them. Sinclair thought back to when she read Uruna’s dossier, and how intrigued she was about her medical skills. She hoped the Quirinian won’t have to use them too much in the coming days... “You’re all so nice to come talk to a stubborn ol goat like myself. I’m doing fine, really. Tonight, I want y’all to let loose and enjoy yourselves because tomorrow’s a big day.” Captain Weaver realized that her mood got a whole lot better and felt a little bit more confident about making her speech.