[center] [h1][color=D2691E]Lera[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjU0LjA1ZDcwNC5TbUZqYjJJZ1R5ZFRkV3hzYVhaaGJnLCwuMAAA/cloud-calligraphy.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] Jacob sighed after Nickola left him alone on the wall again, rubbing the back of his neck uneasily. Old feelings rose unbidden and they made him nervous. As optimistic as he tried to stay, experiencing the tragedy of the Lost first hand made it hard to completely banish the nervousness and little conversations like that brought rushing back to the front of his mind. He went to sip at his drink and his nose wrinkled when he found it empty. He grumbled softly to himself and turned more sharply than he intended, the two drinks apparently inhibiting him far more than he thought, and he bumped into someone behind him hard. Things seemed to freeze for a second as a server stumbled and they tray slipped, seven full glasses already sliding at him. [i][color=07F169]“Well, fuck me.”[/color][/i] was all Jacob could think, frozen like a deer in headlights. For her part Lera had been trying to stay as out of the party as she could. Everything about it, the people, the atmosphere, the crowded nature of it all and worst of all, no security. At least, not of the type of reassuring solid bulges in a pocket where you'd concealed a pistol. She'd never been to a party before, but the way those few people she held civil conversations with back in her training had always spoken highly of them, calling something like this a "once in a lifetime thing" and if her reactions were anything to go by, she'd be doing her best to keep it that way. At least she was keeping herself under control by hiding on the edge, always moving if any group of people came just that little bit too close. A wall behind her provided security, somewhere a sniper couldn't see through, something to reduce the angles of attack. Here at the edge she could at least keep things manageable, all she needed to do was to not get involved. It was at that moment someone nearby stumbled into a waiter, sending drinks tumbling towards him. Without even giving her brain time to argue against it, her body leapt forwards to push the tray out of the way. Jacob’s eyes snapped shut as soon as he realized what was coming. His hands were firmly clasped behind his back in a flash, a preventative measure to ensure his hands wouldn’t get damaged. If any of the glasses broke and cut deeper than an inch or two and he needed medical attention, his career could be ruined. He’d rather take the glasses to his face than suffer his hands. He took a breath and waited. Glasses shattered and he stood frozen still, no pain blossoming where he expected it. He peaked open an eye, blinking both of them open as he realized he wasn’t in any danger, and took a moment to survey the scene. Glasses and liquid spilled on the floor. Servers ushering guests out of the way. A woman, just a touch taller than himself, stood just in front of him. His eyes trailed over the prosthetic peeking through a few spots that glass ripped her glove and clothes before snapping back to reality. [color=07F169] “Oh shit, I’m so sorry! Can I help? Its my fault.””[/color] Jacob babbled as the servers went around efficiently. This clearly wasn’t their first rodeo. The waiter he’d inadvertently ran into stopped him and asked him to stand away as he approached before he nodded at the woman and recommended Jacob thank her. Jacob turned to her with an embarrassed look. [color=07F169] “Uh, thank you very much. I promise I’m not normally a complete idiot.”[/color] For a few seconds the woman didn’t even properly look at him. Instead she half pulled back, wildly glancing around before attempting to pathetically pull the glove up to cover the gaps. Yet try as she might, there was no hiding the fact that one of her arms was prosthetic. [color=D2691E] “Shit, shit, shit, shit!” [/color] She didn’t even try to frustration in her voice at seeing herself like this. Whatever else was going on with this woman, it seemed she hated people knowing about her prosthetics. Even when she finally seemed to focus properly on Jacob, a hand still could be seen fiddling with the glove… almost like she was trying to tie a bandage around. [color=D2691E] “Look, it’s okay! Don’t worry about it, I just … I …” [/color] Lera hesitated, she didn’t properly know why she’d stepped forward to help … it was almost certainly reflexes, that ingrained response to jump forward into “dangerous” situations. .However that just didn’t feel right to say, if felt too cold, too distant from any sort of actual desire to help. Even if this person was grateful, she knew all too well sounding like that could put people off and this was the first person she’d even exchanged words with so far. [color=D2691E] “I’m sure you’re not a complete idiot, anyone could have made that mistake!” [/color] Even though she’d hated everything about parties so far, she could at least make an effort couldn’t she? [color=07F169] “Probably but I should watch how much I drink. It all could have been avoided. ”[/color] Jacob sighed but his smile popped back up as he held out his hand, making sure to avoid forcing her to shake with the prosthetic. He wasn’t quite sure how well the action would go over. She seemed upset about her prosthetic arm so he was going to avoid it but he was definitely curious. Why did she have it? Did it work as well as an arm? But he wouldn’t ask those. Instead… [color=07F169] “My name is Jacob.”[/color] He stuck with an introduction. Much safer, definitely wouldn’t make the person who just saved him uncomfortable. [color=07F169] Thank you again. Looking at your glove, my face probably would have been bleeding if you hadn’t stepped in. Can’t put my career at risk, you know?”[/color] Lera glanced down at the hand and then back up at the man standing infront of her. For a moment she felt her own hand raising up to shake his, but this time her brain was quicker than her actions and she withdrew it hastily. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to shake his hand, to be polite, however there was always a chance of … that. Now she’d never felt fragmented, she didn’t even have the mark they were supposed to have. Yet that letter had said she was one … and that would mean someone she was connected to … someone who could share emotions … there was no way she was ready to go through something like that, not after Ukraine, not after the war … [color=D2691E] “Valeryia … though most call me Lera …” [/color] Yeah that felt safer, just sticking to introductions, not doing anything which could create tension. Or at least no more than she’d caused by not shaking his hand. [color=D2691E] “So … uh … what’s your job?” [/color] Jacob took his hand back, giving her a reassuring smile. He shouldn’t be disappointed. He wanted to insist that they at least [i]try[/i] but he shouldn’t be so selfish. He would just hope that either she wasn’t his soul mate or if she was, they would have the chance to interact again over the week. Jacob’s eyebrows rose at the unusual name. It wasn’t one he’d heard before. [color=07F169]“I’m a concert pianist. Anything that affects my hands could kill the elasticity in them and I wouldn’t be up to standard.”[/color] Jacob explain, wiggling his fingers in demonstration. [color=07F169]“Which do you prefer to go by? Valeryia isn’t a name you hear everyday walking down the streets of New York. Where are you from?”[/color] [color=D2691E] “A concert pianist?” [/color] There seemed to be a strange edge of something that almost resembled awe in her voice. She’d never even heard a piano in action, though she had heard of them. Back at home they’d never really had time for luxuries like being able to sit down for a concert, though she had remembered her dad sitting there playing a guitar to her, back when … [color=D2691E] “Oh! My name? I’m more used to Lera …”[/color] Her voice trailed off before she could answer the last part of his question. For a moment she wondered if she should tell him somewhere else, avoid any memories of that place, but … [color=D2691E] “I’m from Ukraine, the eastern half…” [/color] [color=07F169]”Okay, Lera it is then! But yeah, I play the piano for a living. Well, I will after this summer. I got my first sheets to review right before the invitation here.” [/color] Jacob elaborated, gesticulating excitedly. [color=07F169]”I’ll get to travel around the country to perform. I’m hoping I’ll get good enough to join a global one but start small, right?”[/color] He laughed with a shrug. Lera seemed quite guarded, her little pauses at the end of her statements making her discomfort glaringly obvious. [color=07F169]”I can always play for you one of these days. I have to practice my pieces starting tomorrow as it is anyways. Not a full session but an hour or two at least.”[/color] [color=07F169]”So the Ukraine huh? I haven’t been that far into Europe. I’ve only been as far as Germany for a study abroad program. Do you still live there? I’m assuming our hosts wouldn’t mind inviting people from outside the states since we’re all spread so thin.”[/color] Jacob asked. [color=D2691E] “You’d let me listen?” [/color] For the first time she seemed genuinely excited, if just for a second and well, she was. She’d never heard a piano before and the chance to listen to something new sounded pleasant. Especially if she knew it was an instrument she was never going to be able to play herself, not with her fingers. [color=D2691E] “It won’t be a big practice though will it? I mean I … I’m just more comfortable with less … you know?” [/color] So he didn’t know about her home situation, or at least he was choosing to leave it out of the conversation. Either way, Lera didn’t really care, not having to talk about it was how she liked it. [color=D2691E] “Oh well … partly, I’m spending some time in Germany learning … but I occasionally check in sometimes… How is the states? You said you came from there?” [/color] [color=07F169]“Of course I’d let you listen?”[/color] Jacob chuckled, a little confused, but definitely happy to see her more engaged in something. Maybe she was from a poor family but then she wouldn’t be able to afford a prosthetic like that. Probably. Jacob realized he frankly had no idea how much that stuff cost. It hadn’t ever come across his life so he never thought about it. [color=07F169] “I don’t normally practice with anyone around so it would probably just be us two unless others wandered in.”[/color] [color=07F169] “The states are….”[/color] How did he summarize the century of infighting over idiotic political differences while they watched the world burn. He should just skip it. No need to bring up something like that here with someone he just met, right? [color=07F169] “Convenient as long as you have a semi-decent job. It lacks a lot of the history European countries have because its so young but it’s easy to live comfortably. But what are you studying in Germany?”[/color] [Color=D2691E] "Thank you! I … I've never really listened to a piano … so I'd like that." [/color] For just a small moment Lera's heart lifted. A small room where she got to listen to something new, something totally unrelated to her life sounded amazing. Best of all this party thing was only like a week long, definitely short enough that she didn't have to get attached to anyone, not after the last time. [Color=D2691E] "I'll do my best to be quiet throughout!" [/color] Convenience sounded nice. So did most of his description of the state's, but then again, wasn't this always the way? A lot of places tended to sound amazing when you didn't know much about them, especially if you weren't enjoying wherever you were. [Color=D2691E] "I'm training to be an engineer, to hopefully work with prosthetics … [/color] She didn't mention that it was mostly because she wanted to help other kids affected by war like herself. [color=07F169] “A prosthetic engineer? That’s really cool.”[/color] Way cooler than being a pianist. He loved playing and he wouldn’t ever give it up but she was pursuing something that would really change people’s lives for the better. Music could definitely improve a person’s outlook on life but it couldn’t ever replace a lost limb. [color=07F169] “I have a friend going into biochemistry to study the Fragmented actually. I know it’s probably apples to oranges but once anything beyond like middle school math and science got involved, it all starts running together for me.”[/color] He shrugged sheepishly but snapped as an idea popped into his head. [color=07F169] “Oh hey, do you have a phone? We can trade numbers so I can let you know when I play over the next few days. That way we don’t have to be attached at the hips for you to find out.”[/color] He whipped out his phone, pulling up the contact. Not that he would mind the company. Meeting people was awkward when you didn’t know anyone around and if Lera was there, at least they could be awkward together. Wait. Hold on. Did she say― [color=07F169]”You’ve never heard a piano played?[/color] Jaco gasped, clutching at imaginary pearls. [color=07F169] “Definitely going to get you in front of one! I’ll have to play something proper. Thankfully, I have a few pieces memorized.”[/color] He beamed at Lera, already excited to open her up to the world of piano. Maybe he could teach her to play something easy and she could pick up lessons back home. [Color=D2691E]"It's a living and helps others to." [/color] her parents had been there to give her a chance when she lost her limbs at a young age. In a large way she felt obliged to do the same favour for others. Especially if she could help them out of a warzone afterwards. As he mentioned schooling, she bit down on her lips slightly to prevent herself from bursting out with questions about what that was like. She didn't want to admit a lack of that too. [Color=D2691E] "I'm not that good with proper science, just enough to know how to put things together[/color] [Color=D2691E] "Oh I erm … umm!" [/color] She reached into her pocket, fumbling around with her left and human arm to grab the little and very much out of date machine she called her phone. It would be nice to have someone on here that wasn't just work related … maybe they could even stay in contact after… And suddenly Lera didn't know fully what to do. The sudden outburst had her take an involuntary step backwards before she could control herself. For the first time in so long someone was enthusiastic to do something with her, to show her something … and it had nothing to do with her war. Surely it wasn't too wrong for her to enjoy something like that? [Color=D2691E] "Sure! I'd love to!" [/color]