Ixia's ears twitched and she looked around, she let out a loud [i]"Chu!"[/i] in response to Mabel calling out her name, the Hounchkrow tightened his grip on her momentarily- Making sure the sound was cut off quickly from the Rodent. [i]"Shut it."[/i] He snapped, [i]"They won't find you-"[/i] [i]"Drop me."[/i] Charcoal said through the light, he felt stronger and his voice was slightly different. [i]"Fend off the damned krows, I'm sure they'll be easy..."[/i] Fez had followed Mindy out before Gavin could catch up, he listened to Mindy speak about Mabel before he looked down towards the Mime Jr. [i]"James!"[/i] He called out before he ran off towards him. Gavin stepped outside as soon as Fez ran off and he flinched, "Fez where are you-" He followed where he was running with his eyeline and saw the Mime Jr. and froze up slightly. [i]Oh no[/i] He thought, he looked around slowly, [i]Where was she?[/i] [i]"I have unlimited energy!"[/i] Missy said to Michael with a Poke of her tongue before she stretched a little bit. Niccia gave a small nod, "Normal." She thought quietly, "I don't think any of us have a Fighting or Ghost type." She crossed her arms as she thought, looking ta the Pokeball in her hand with a small smile. "I may have someone who will help though." Sparky bounced around Bear as he fell over, giggling and barking at him before he sprung back up. She bounced into the air and landed on three legs and one of them stretched out. [i]"Don't die!"[/i] She barked with drooped ears and her tail between her legs. [i]"Please don't die."[/i] Varina looked around the Library as they entered, it was an interesting place to be... All of these books and all of the knowledge... Varina's senses suddenly spiked. A legendary was here? She looked around quickly, growing restless in Andy's grip. She wasn't sure who it was... But it was [i]someone[/i]. Mitch paused, looking around as he lifted his wing to touch his Legendary's side. [i]"Ma'am..."[/i] He started quietly. "A guardian. Yes." The woman spoke quietly.