[quote=@Inkarnate] As I've said before, it sounds like the dev team needs to disavow the one guy and make a public statement. Unless they want their gamerbase to be solely comprised of people trying to "own" the libs/SJWs. [/quote] Don't want to take the wind out of your sails, but Terminx is one of the people responsible for the engine the game exists on. (Eduke32, a build engine source port). Project probably wouldn't exist without him. He's also a prominent member of the duke nukem 3d modding community. They hired him for his talent and were likely aware of how he acted prior to hiring him. Thankfully the game is actually very progressive. The villain is a card carrying sexist who calls Shelly a "little girl". She calls him a "bald headed bitch". [quote=@Fabricant451] The worst stuff in those conversations are the people acting like Duke Nukem as a character is worth salvaging. [/quote] Yeah, I think Shellys generally a better character. Her rage is awesome.