[center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] “We need to find the main control room. From there, we simply access the droid schematics and reprogram then to serve us...” I glance at HJ. “Or, you know, we deactivate them.” Gives a smug smile. [center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] “Oh, is that all we have to do? Where exactly is the control room in this giant facility? You have a map?” [center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] “Not a complete map, but remember the Empire has been here once before. The strike team’s progress through the Foundry was tracked by a team of Intelligence agents.” I tap my data pad, and a hologram appears, showing the basic floor plan of the Foundry. “The control room should be somewhere on the higher levels, above the assembly line.” [center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] I look at the hologram. "That won't be easy to reach. There are bound to be a bunch of security droids, troopers, and maybe even a few active Sith Hunter Droids."