[color=c4df9b]Ettamri Belarence[hr][/color] [color=c4df9b]"Oh? Two just for me?"[/color] The club resting on her shoulders swung around quickly in a short arc, as she stepped to the side, crashing her weapon towards one of their wooden tree clubs, while moving to put the other one between the second monster. They seemed well coordinated, as the clubs crashed on her again and again, whilst she met those blows with her own every time. Considering how large they were, the size of their weapons, as well as how they were using them, while she met with a continuous flurry of blows, they could not both attack at once without risking hitting each other. [color=c4df9b]"HOW GRACIOUS!"[/color] Her blood was boiling, her heart like drums in her ears. In the midst of it all... [center]***[/center] [color=f7976a]"Now listen close, yeah?"[/color] The old scarred man in plain chainmai and a dusty tabard spat onto the ground. [color=f7976a]"You can be strong as you like, but when it comes to fighting superior numbers, you gotta know how to cut and run. Honors no good if you're dead. Course, that means you can gang up on a strong enemy and beat them down that way, but that's not what I'm gonna teach ya today."[/color] Two of her house guards stepped forwards, hefting their wooden training swords. [color=f7976a]"Today, I'm gonna teach you what you can do when theres a load of people out for your guts, and you aren't, for any reason, able to skeddadle."[/color] [center]***[/center] Ettamri gripped both hands on her weapon, smashing a blow against one of the monster's own again. In that brief opening, she inhaled as she stepped forth, bringing forth all her strength into a wide sweeping blow towards its side.