[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/163dc10b-061c-4aa2-bdaa-4c4f6cd4d02b.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] The man who had been greeted with open arms on the first day, had been kicked out due to fears of being a violent problem. From what Manny had seen he was one of the last people he thought would fit that roll. There were fights already this week, out bursts, people who seemed less then stable. He was honestly worried about what Hunter would do when he was declined. But not only was he accepted in, he seemed to have agreed to stay. What he wasn't sure he was ready for, was Beatrice. He couldn't say it was unexpected. She was a strong leader, a good fighter, and someone who could take care of herself. And probably functioned best in those kinds of environments. By herself, watching her own back. She came over to him first to say goodbye. This, was another surprise. Yes, the two were close, closer then many family members, but other then being apart of the same survival team, there wasn't much between them. Though he would die for her, and he was sure she would for him. "[color=00aeef]You've done good so far, keep up the good work.[/color]" He said shaking her hand in return. "[color=00aeef]If the command here will allow it, feel free to take whatever you want from my gear I brought in. Not sure if you'll find anything useful, but who knows right?[/color]" He said as she left. Sure, they may not let her, sure a lot of his gear worked well for Manny because of how he had evolved as a survivor, but maybe she'd find something useful if they let her rummage through it. She said her goodbyes to the rest of their little band. It seemed to be progressively harder for her as she went. As she waved one last time, Manny couldn't help himself but to wave back. Sure, they already said goodbye, but goodbyes were hard... no matter the situation. She would do well out there, and the world would be smart if it stayed out of her way. When Manny had let everything that had happened sink in, he took a moment to look at his new paper. The thing that surprised him on it, was Education. Medical made sense to him, it was his field his entire life. But through his entire life, he had never worked with kids, he had never had kids, and he didn't have any siblings, so he never even found himself to be an Uncle at any point in his life. He wondered how that might go and if that was something he would work well in. He figured what the hell was the harm in trying though. He considered it, decided there was some harm, but ignored it. Kids were easy enough. Keep them occupied, and they learned. Simple and easy. Ignoring his experiences as a kid, and what him and his friends were like growing up. Causing trouble every step of the way for everyone around them. The news that Manny had been waiting for had finally arrived. They were leaving quarantine. They were going to get a chance to see the town, see their new world, and help it grow and thrive. He was sad that Beatrice wouldn't be here to see it in it's entirety, but she would probably do best on her own. For now at least. He hoped she would come back someday though. Hearing about the party tonight was something he hadn't expected though. Manny figured it would be a good chance to meet the locals, learn what the place was like. Maybe make some friends in this new town. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c08a6051-3ab9-4c98-87b6-05533c8b19e8.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Quarantine [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Hunter had a few scenarios planned out in his head. Though most didn't get past the guards. There were simply too many of them, and they had guns. Even though he had little reason to believe things would go that way, he felt better having a back up plan. But none worked in his head either. But the scenario he didn't expect... Was getting accepted. After how his interview went, he figured he was fucked. Meaning he'd lose Izibell, and would be back at square one. But that wasn't the concern now, he was in. All he had to do, was behave, go talk to the person he didn't want to talk to (Though he would), and not draw anymore unwanted attention. Would probably help to not blow up anything he wasn't supposed to. People were escorted out still. That surprised him even more, that someone did worse then him. But it fit the odds, 1 of 20. Sure they were not 20, but they were close. Escorted out by armed guards, and then the girl that about broke his arm was also leaving, but by her own choice. Shame. Hunter figured she seemed interesting, and he wouldn't get the chance to explain that he understood how that he fucked up. To her at least. Though, this is easier for him rather then trying to explain himself. Plus, she probably wouldn't care to listen to anything he had to say about it. He hoped she did well though, seemed interesting enough. His note card was confusing to the former private. "[color=00a651]Immature? Codependent?[/color]" He said in a hushed tone. The more he looked though the more it puzzled him. First, the immature comment. He was in his mid twenties at this point in his life, sure he struggled with some things, but everyone did didn't they? He was ignoring moments like when Lazy town came on and he got as excited to watch it as anyone in the intended audience age range, his inability to take many situations seriously, and his lack of people skills. The outburst made sense. It was very unlike Hunter for these outbursts, but it was unusual for Hunter to have to handle being in social situations. He was hoping that he could work on that. The last thing that got him thinking though... Codependent. "[color=00a651]What the hell?[/color]" He spoke muffled again, not noticing he was speaking out loud. His biggest issue with the codependent comment, he had no idea what codependent meant. Since it was written simply, he figured it was one of those things that most people knew in some way. Because of this, he had no intentions on asking anyone what the word meant. He would probe around and see if he could figure it out. Maybe grab a dictionary at some point and see if he could look it up without anyone noticing. For jobs though, seemed they were looking to set him up with supply or with animal services. Both jobs were amusing to him. Animals for strait forward reason, they were cooler then people. Supply, seemed simple enough. Plus, Nikki worked supply. She seemed nice, and she also got to carry a gun. Both jobs seem nice. The woman with the bad ass scars started talking again. The thing that Hunter had a feeling was directed to him, was the lying part. Sure, Hunter had lied. But it's not like everyone wanted to hear how badly he fucked up. He barely wanted to hear it. Though she explained ways to help improve some things, be truthful. Something Hunter struggled with because of his lack of ability to trust others. When she said that their possessions would be returned and that there was a beach party going on tonight, he wondered if that meant he would get Izibell back? If so would they be sharing the same bunk space or would they put her in a kennel at night? God he hoped not that... She liked confined spaces less then he did. Sure she could hide that fear well, but she was a survivor and had made it this far. He would do what he could to help her in those regards. Something that surprised Hunter, was his slow reaction time to noticing the guards relaxing. When this meeting really kicked off, they were ready to take them all on it seemed. Now? They were relaxing as if it were any other Tuesday. Though today may not be Tuesday for all he knew. Normally things like this though he noticed a lot quicker. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but it was change none the less. He decided he needed to keep track of those changes.