Artyom chuckled at the captain. "I am... Kais at your service." He said with a exaggerated bow. Artyom had never been one to trust new people with his real name. In fact in his entire life there had only been Four people who knew his real name, His parents, the guard captain martin and his last partner Kristina. of the four His parents were dead,The captain is a good man and Kristina...Well she is complicated "I hear you killed the queen Bravo, a lot of people wanted to do it, Few ever get out of the talking huff stage...Let alone actually to go through with it...Shame you got caught." he said in a bored tone. Artyom knew she didn't do anything wrong, in fact he knew back at the inn that there would be people looking to hire him to break her out of jail. All he cared about was seeing her response, depending on how she answered he would help her or just leave her in the cell to rot. He hoped the Captain wasn't resigned to her fate, that she was unwilling to be used as a pawn in some great chess game. If she was then he would help her, just as he was once helped. Besides He had met the captain once before, she must have been just fresh into the military then, as she was just a regular soldier at the time. She had stopped a merchants guard from nearly killing him, just because the merchant suspected him of stealing. Artyom was surprised by the woman before him, even as he approached he knew she was studying him. She would notice his above six foot height, his hazel green eyes, his short black hair, His black cloak with a hood, the sword at his hip and the throwing knives strapped to his chest.