Cyrus had finally decided that he should check in with the shaman first. No goblin ever accomplished anything without the gods allowing it, and without the gods, no goblin could amount to much of anything. At least, that was what the previous shaman had taught. He had lived a long and venerable life, but his time had come to an end at last. It was hoped that the 'new girl' would be able to live up to her mentor's example. Approaching the tribe's sacred fire, the hunter bowed before the flame and offered a little prayer. He saw the shaman near her hut, leaving the little building. "Hello there, wise shaman!" He felt a little silly saying that. As much as he respected her, he had to admit that the slight female came off as more cute and innocent than wise. "The gods have blessed me with a bountiful hunt today, and I'd like to know how I ought to divide the spoils."