[COLOR=1E90FF][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]W E E K L Y A N N O U N C E M E N T S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][COLOR=SILVER][INDENT][COLOR=lightblue][B]POST CHECK-IN:[/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][i]We're one week deep into our second season so that means it's time for the first post check-in! As a reminder, post check-ins are not designed to be punitive, but just a method of reaching out and touching base with everyone to see where they are at. Of course, it can be punitive if you've missed the deadline but by doing these weekly check-ins, I'm hoping not to have to escalate it that far. For this Post Check-In, everyone has been given a clean slate from the start of Season Two so I'll only be going back as far as the opener.[/i] ◼ [@Stein] as Baal - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] ◼ [@Lord Wraith] as Citizen Steel - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] ◼ [@Roman] as Daredevil - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] ◼ [@Hillan] as Flash - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] [s]◼ [@HenryJonesJr] as Guardians of the Galaxy - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i][/s] ◼ [@Roman] as John Constantine - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] [s]◼ [@Natty] as Magik - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i][/s] ◼ [@DocTachyon] as Soldiers of Victory - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] ◼ [@DocTachyon] as Spider-Man - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i] [s]◼ [@Retired] as Teen Titans - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i][/s] ◼ [@Moskau Spieluhr] as Vixen - [i]7 Days Remaining[/i][/INDENT][/INDENT][/COLOR]