[center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] With another slash, I open the droid's front compartment, exposing it's internal wiring and gears. After a few seconds of searching, I find it's shield generator. I grab the unit and easily tear it out of the chassis, causing the shield to sizzle away and die. "Onward we go!" [center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] I kneel before the soldier shot in the shin. I don't have much medical training, and our med officer is currently dead further down the hall, so I apply a sloppy kolto patch to the wound and pull the soldier to his feet. When I realize he can't stand, I prop him up against the wall. "Stay here and protect the turbo lift. If more security teams of droids come after us, contact me via comms."