[center][h2]HK-49 "Hank"[/h2][/center] "Explanation: That unit was likely HK-47, who's master was the late Darth Revan. I have never found much information on how the unit was so well preserved over the years however. Likely someone kept it repaired and replaced dated parts with new ones when necessary." I face the Imperial squad leader. "Inquiry: Your thoughts on the droid we just faced? Clearly it's of a model not seen before." Zar'kun had programmed me with loyalty and lethal skill, some would say even competing with HK-47 and definitely outclassing the HK-50 model, but he had also given me a sense of curiosity and desire to understand those who would be my allies. As an assassin droid, the sense of curiosity gave me no end of annoyance, but sometimes it allowed me to better prepare for future fights, with and sometimes against them.