"Alert whoever's on watch to the fire, get into a sealed sompartment such as another section of the storage bay or a dedicated pressure shelter if present, and vent it to space, wouldn't count on fire retardant where O[sub]2[/sub] tanks are part of the equation. Give it time to cool down before reintroducing atmsphere. As for venting the room while I'm there, I'd rather not. Even with a rebreather, vacuum does nasty things to a Human body, and without an air supply, you'll be unconscious in ten and dead in ninety or so seconds. If a suit utilizing high-pressure breathing mix is present, I'd pass unless I [b]absolutely[/b] can't get out of the room, as those are rigid or semi-rigid suits that take a while to put on. Going straight into a suit using low-pressure breathing mix without an hour or so of pre-breathing said low-pressure mixture would give me a nasty case of 'The Bends', also known as 'Diver's Disease', but that takes time to kill you, so such a suit could work. Low-pressures suits are soft or skin-hugging, therefore much faster to put on, too. The small tanks I'm filling up are stated to contain pure O[sub]2[/sub], which would either: - Cause oxygen toxicity and kill you at normal atmospheric pressure. - Cause The Bends anyway at low ressure. I'm assuming this would be the case, as they are stated to be for use in space suits." - Astrid[hr]Still here, just waiting to be told where we're going.