Youmu considered the situation. They had to clear this place of every terrible thing, but where were they supposed to start? For a few moments she was silent. Then, she raised the journal in her hands, looking it over. If anything, the information recorded by the man who had once owned this property would most certainly provide some sort of hint as to what they were meant to be doing here, wouldn't it? "I wonder if there's any clues as to where to start in this journal?" she asked, flipping the book open as she spoke. Many of the pages were damaged, but there was enough as to be legible, foreign letters seemed to shift into kanji before her eyes. And so she began to read. It began simply enough. But then... but then... The descent began. With each page a new story of horror seemed to materialize. Not on part of the mysterious creatures that seemed to inhabit the land. Though those were terrible too, the true monster did not seem to be represented there at all. A little girl thrown into the sea to satisfy terrible creatures. An entire ship's crew killed. Villagers used as food for unknown abominations. As Youmu turned the pages, she could feel something hot rising inside of her chest. Swelling, growing, burning through her. It was anger. With every page turned, she was growing more and more furious. This man, the previous owner of these lands... "... He was a [i]monster[/i]," the small half-phantom practically spat, shaking slightly, "The man who owned this place was a [i]monster.[/i] If he still lives, I'll kill him myself." How could someone do this? How could someone behave so horribly? So ruthlessly and without consideration to the lives of others? Even the youkai of Gensokyo no longer ate the flesh of humans, and even that was something they had done for survival. This was just wanton, reasonless killing and torture for... what? Money? Power? It was disgusting. It was absolutely vile. How could someone do something like this? "... There's... monsters infesting this place all over," Youmu said, finally, "For the sake of anyone left... they have to be exterminated." [@Rune_Alchemist][@KoL][@Crusader Lord][@PKMNB0Y] [hr] The moment that Hibiki landed in front of them, the mob suddenly came to a surprised halt, a few stumbling backwards. What could be seen of their faces was contorted in a look of surprise and shock. The man at the head of the group, one arm far too long in comparison to the other, slowly stepped forward, raising his torch. He wore a tall hat and a ragged suit of some kind, a hatchet dragging on the ground in his other hand. "... Foul beast!" he cried, suddenly, raising his weapon, "Words don't mean nothin'! Kill the beast! Spill its blood!" Almost immediately the entire mob charged. Each of them raised their weapons, some snarling like inhuman creatures as they tried to converge on Hibiki. [@RolePlayerRoxas][@PKMNB0Y][@Raineh Daze]