Alister got worried when Drake didn’t respond, but he continued to work on the console knowing Drake can take care of himself. He downloaded the files down to his laptop any other information he could find before joining Valeria. They search through the files which were all about the compound and how to operate the equipment. That was until the very end where they found receipts for the Werebeast. Valeria quickly shoved the file into Alister’s bag and got up. “We don’t have much time, the next set of patrols are coming soon,” Valeria said. She headed to the main door and stood guard for the next patrol as Alister went and find drake. He followed Drake’s present and found him down a dark corridor. “Old man. We don’t have much time left. Did you find anything?” Alister asked. [hr] Valeria could sense the human and knew they were no threat. She noticed Andrew slowed down, but she continue walking as if nothing happened. “You ambush them. I’ll act as bait,” Valeria said. She then teleported to the clearing and pulled out a stool from seemly nowhere. She sat down with her leg crossed and waited for the humans. The last thing she wanted was for Andrew to kill. He was still and child and she didn’t want his hand to be stained by blood. “Hello boys,” she called out as human appeared from the forest. They all pointed their weapons at her making her rolled her eyes. “Oh point a gun at me if it helps you relax.” She then stood up making them all jump back. With a blink of her eyes, she appeared in front of the closet hunter and kissed him. A few of their eyes went dark as she weaved her spell them. “Now kill your friends for me,” She said with a devilish smile on her face. The kiss was a distraction that hid her spell. She didn’t need to touch them for her to cast her curse. She only needed to look into their eyes and they are hers. With an unamused look, she returned to her stool and watch as they started killing each other. “Oh boys leave one or two of them alive for me,” she said.