[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/foRacjk.png[/img][/center] [center][@AtomicNut][@Hammerman][/center] [hr] "Mephisto's School for the Wickedly Inclined." How... very straightforward. Of course they at least had the sense to hide behind the front of "St. Lucifer's." Ignoring some explosions on his way in, Ward went against his instincts and simply blended into the background for now. A difficult task for one of his pedigree to be sure, but he would manage so long as he put his mind to it. Yes, of course he would. It was a blessing and curse that the school was a little more barren than usual after the attack. Not everyone wanted to go right back to school after a demonic cult had blown up part of the city. That meant less prying eyes, but it also meant less loose lips for him to eavesdrop on. It was thus quite lucky that he stumbled across something rather good. [i]"... point the way to Ms. Erdrigan?"[/i] Ah, another new student? Now that could be quite useful. It seemed she was looking for someone, so he casually tailed her while thinking things over. He did know a few things already, so he was able to piece together that this girl was looking for some Student Committee member. Strange that she'd be looking to another student rather than a faculty member, but then... that told him quite a bit right there. This Erdrigan girl must have been rather important. An obstacle to be seen to later, no doubt. Well, he wouldn't be figuring that out today, unfortunately. He followed her to a rather unassuming room and then... nothing. Some words he couldn't make out without literally hovering over the girl's shoulder and then something fell to the floor. And thus he was out of patience. "Excuse me." Making his presence known, he edged past the girl and then shoved the door to the room open. Empty. Well, [i]almost[/i] empty. A phone lay on the table still connected to the other end. Someone, presumably the Erdrigan girl, had called someone else named Christine. They were now leaving a very long, very silent message for Christine. He picked the phone up and... "The owner of this phone seems to have vanished. Goodbye." And then he hung up and tossed the phone aside. "Well, that's that then. Tell me, miss. Who exactly is this Erdrigan person you were after... and do they normally evaporate into thin air?" Ward asked her. "Oh wait, how rude of me. My name is Ward. And yourself?"