[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/CKsNgVBB/906139092e5c1f43a7800810063c8214.png[/img] [color=9e0b0f][b]Time: [/b][/color]Midnight [color=9e0b0f][b]Location: [/b][/color] Forest near Sun Elf Kingdom [color=9e0b0f][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Cadence [@Helo] and Inori [@Shard]. [/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/610114010909638657/610986380146770006/c9d026839838e92fb557fae9eb9fa4c0.png[/img][/center] Fortunately for Ayita, Korvash, the green giant simply stood still, silent as Inori evaluated the situation. Whoever he was, he seemed to hold some control over the giant green man. His reaction as he saw Ayita though was interesting to say the least. Judging by how shocked he was made clear for Ayita that Humans weren't exactly common there. Not only that, but many questions that Ayita had were unknowingly answered by the small Inori. Apparently, from what she understood from his words, it wasn't the first time humans came to that world, called Avalia, through the same rift that dragged Ayita. Others had came before but someone, referred by Inori just as 'He' killed all of them. Many questions were answered, but even more rose after she heard Inori's words. Whoever was this 'he' that Inori said, seemed to be incredibly powerful and held considerable influence over Avalia. Nonetheless, Inori seemed to be... neutral for now? She didn't consider him an ally, as his words and expressions were far too mysterious for her to know his true thoughts. He seemed like the type of person who had many secrets to hide. Cadence of a Thunderstorm, or simply Cade as he said, did have a much different reaction to Ayita though. The way he moved his tail excitedly a while earlier, just like a cat would do, his words and his expression made him at least appear much more friendly, trustworthy and honest than Inori. Mentioning once more that this place, Avalia was indeed dangerous to humans, he confirmed what Inori had said before. [color=ed1c24]"It is dangerous because of this person Inori mentioned, yes?"[/color] Ayita asked, looking to both of them with a curious expression. Her cautious posture was mostly gone as she seemed to be a little more at ease knowing that neither of them wanted to harm her. [color=ed1c24]"Any particular reason for this person to hunt Humans?"[/color] Ayita asked. She knew now that there were people hunting her, but she also wanted to know why they were hunting her and what she could do to avoid said people. [color=ed1c24]"I would accept your help but... I do not have anything with me to repay you though..."[/color] Ayita said, looking towards Cade. Now that the situation was much more tranquil for Ayita than it was before, she couldn't help but to be curious regarding the strangers in front of her. While she had her fair share of questions regarding exactly [i]what[/i] Inori and Korvash were, she didn't trust them as much as she did Cade though. Ayita couldn't hide her curiosity regarding Cade, especially his ears and tail.