Even though she had stepped out of her hut with resolve, she couldn't help but be momentarily surprised by how quickly someone approached her. Her eyes went wide for a moment, but she quickly forced a calm, neutral expression back on to her face. "Hello... Cyrus." She returned the greeting, delaying just slightly as she took a moment to recall his name. Giving a nod at his request, she flicked her gaze to the spoils in question - a fairly large rabbit, by the looks of it. Her thoughts turned to encounters such as this she had witnessed in the past, between the former Shaman and the hunters who asked things like this of him. Looking back to Cyrus after a moment, she gave her advice in a slow, thoughtful manner. "Skin the pelt and do with it as you wish, and take a leg for yourself as well. Offer the body of the meat to be given to the pregnant, and offer one of the remaining legs to the Chief. The other two..." Here, she trailed off uncertainly, and a small nagging in her own belly brought a mild conflict - would it be appropriate to claim a leg as her own for breakfast, or would it be better served going to another? Realizing she had fallen silent for a little too long, she cleared her throat and concluded. "Offer the other two legs to the hungry, and present the bones as crafting materials. Except the skull, which you should offer to the gods as thanks." She nodded once again, this time more to herself than to Cyrus, and waited with some apprehension to see if he thought her judgements were fair and appropriate.