[center][h2]TAURUS [/h2][/center] My sight is slowly returning. I raise my blades to parry most of the droids attacks, and those I cannot are observed by my armor. “A flaw in your primitive programming: you announce your attacks in advance. You lack spontaneity. I can calculate each of your moves before you even make them.” Knocks the droid’s blade to the side, then kicks him in the torso. [center][h2]Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] From behind the large droid, I underhand toss three metallic balls, sending them rolling to it’s feet. The droid turns just in time for them to pop and send an electro magnetic pulse up it’s legs. [center][h2]TAURUS [/h2][/center] Convulses as the pulse spreads through my chassis. My redundancy systems are able to resist the pulse enough to keep me from shutting down, but I can feel some of my internal function going temporarily offline. Raising my arm, I eject one of my blades, firing it at the Imperial like a harpoon. It strikes him in the shoulder and he is knocked to the ground. “That... was... a mistake.” [center][h2]HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] I crawl through the longing line of parts, trying to find a good place to jump back up and help Hank. Up ahead, I notice a crane arm attaching Sith Hunter arms to bodies. With a Force augmented jump, I grab onto the crane and swing it around, hoping to catapult myself into the catwalk above. I, along with the unattached arm, landing on the opposite side from Hank and TAURUS.