[center][indent][h2][sup][sub][color=black]Chapter I: Graduation[/color][/sub] [sup][color=bb0a1e]‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗‗[/color][/sup][/sup][/h2][/indent][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/7d6224dffac9e3112fcda52d0900ed1a/tumblr_mvnshb1NmV1s2x8aoo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [indent][indent][color=gray]Pain. Suffering. Death. Three words that all spelled the same thing in the mind of a shinobi. Such poignant words were freshly crusted on the heels of the ninja that lined the streets of the mist. And yet there was no semblance of change being orchestrated by its people. Instead mutiny was met with controlled excision like ripping a parasite from the body of the host. Each day was a step closer to solidifying the nature of the blood mist, a tyrannical rule with a death grip on yesterday. Monitoring the village from the window of his mansion, the Mizukage kept a watchful eye on everyone who came and passed. Mist swirling and suffocating anyone who dared fight it, but a comfort to those that stayed in line. The ritual rite of passage to ascend to the rank of genin was at the door once more, soon enough academy ninja would all gather round to test their might in order to prove their worth in the upcoming wars. The cogs of time kept turning, never-ending, however this time was different or at least it would be. Moving from the window the Mizukage moved to the middle of the room, pulling a nearby table to the center of the room before adjusting two seats on either end. Worn hands prodded and pulled a large board out of the recesses of a drawer, revealing rows of rectangles etched on top. A knock at the door was heard. [i]“Come in”[/i] a raspy withered voice rang out. “I’m sorry to bother you Sir, but I’m here to discuss the upcoming ceremony and what we discussed prior” a voice responded. Out from behind the door was the Headmaster of the mist’s academy bowing respectfully in the direction of the Mizukage. Not seeming to have noticed or perhaps purposefully ignoring his presence he pressed on setting up the table. From a bag he retrieved piece after piece of what appeared to be shogi tiles, filling each row and columns with the appropriate rank and file. “Yes, come in and have a seat, we have much to discuss and what better way than over a game of Shogi” “Ah..yes...of course Sir” he said hesitantly before taking his seat. After taking his own place at the table the board had been completely filled save for three vacant spots. “As you know this year, I’m looking to do the graduation ceremony a little differently. I don’t expect you to understand or agree with what I envision, but those matters and explanations are not of your concern” reaching into the bag he slammed the first of the final three pieces on the board, the Gyokushō otherwise known as the Jeweled General signaling the highest caste. “First I’m going to need you to gather all the [color=bb0a1e][i][b]Gyokushō[/b][/i][/color] followed by the [color=bb0a1e][i][b]Ginshō[/b][/i][/color]” he uttered whilst placing the second to last piece on the board. The last piece was very clearly worn and brittle, almost on the verge of breaking, “And finally, the [color=bb0a1e][i][b]Fuhyō[/b][/i][/color], those husks of men" savoring his word before pressing onward. "All in one place and all in one ceremony. This year will be the first year where the students fight to the death in order to graduate” his words striking fast while the last piece shattered upon being placed on the board sending shivers up the headmaster’s skin. “Of course, lord Mizukage, whatever you wish” his voice cracked with a mix of fear and hesitation at the sudden revelation. A sigh left the lungs of the old man, the disappointment in breaking his last piece was insurmountable. “Well I guess there will be no time for a game today. Now go, start preparations. Gather all the students and notify the Jonin. I want them to watch and see who they want on their team" a hand gesturing him out in a rush. "Oh and one more thing, make sure you split the survivors up evenly. We don't want things to be too uniform” he said with a slight grin forming for just an instance. The Headmaster nodded and bowed before vanishing from the estate. One by one he appeared in the homes or ghettos of each prospective genin informing them of their slight alteration and surprise announcement that would follow the congregation of ninja on the day of. They would all meet in the same classroom and be the first time meeting the opposite caste ninja. As for the Jonin they were to arrive after the commencement had begun and had a special viewing room on reserve. The bloody mist would soon live up to its name. The only question that remained was who would draw first blood. [/color][/indent][/indent]