Hector remained emotionless throughout the whole ordeal, either not caring or holding restraint. He ignored the girl general and her snake, instead turning to address the king and queen. "I've come to join your kingdom," he said bluntly. Quick and to the point. He could see the raised eyebrows all around him and figured he could at least explain himself. "I'm a sell sword. You tell me who to kill. I cut them." Again, more stunned responses. The king rubbed his chin in thought. "Why have you come to us with such a request traveler?" Hector gave him a half shrug. "Nothing better to do. Don't wanna die old. Might as well put myself to good use." He glanced at the girl and her snake, his eyes unreadable. "Of course, if you deny my request, then I'll take my services elsewhere. It doesn't matter one way or another to me." The king looked at his queen, pondering the situation. Eventually, both turned to their general, waiting for her input on the matter. --- Celia tumbled out of the bushes clumsily, practically tripping over her own two feet. Dusting herself off, she smiled sheepishly. "Hiya!" she said cheerily. "Who ar-you have white hair!" Immediately, she rushed over to the boy and brought her face dangerously close to his. She was completely oblivious of the dagger in his hand. "Cool, you have white hair! And red eyes! That's so weird! Hey can I touch your hair and see if it has special powers? Can I? Please, please, please, please, pretty please!"