[center][h2]HK-49 "Hank"[/h2][/center] I stop the stream of flames as I hear the subtle sounds of his cannon changing directions and barely manage to swap to the Juggernaut Combat Protocol in time, an energy barrier forming in front of me as I cross my arms across my front. Master Zar'kun had forseen that "just another HK unit" with more advanced programming and better weaponry and gadgets would never be enough, especially in his line of work. I was outfitted with ten different offensive combat protocols and the tools that went with them, however, the Juggernaut Protocol was the only defensive one. The barrier that now stood between myself and what was most assuredly instant destruction was the strongest shielding I had ever encountered for non-capitol ship shielding, but it still had limits. As I struggled to move forwards, inch by inch, I noticed the shot from Master HJ followed shortly by him tossing me the cannon. I moved towards it, fighting against the impressive amount of firepower that the lone turret possessed. Eventually, I manage to pick it up, but the internal energy meter that tracks my shield generators reserves beeps, indicating that it was getting low. [i]One shot,[/i] passes through my processor before I activate the Heavy Shelling Style. Normally, I'd have a mortar cannon with me, but in this case, I would use the laser cannon. "Bloodthirsty Statement: Off with your head." I tinkered with the same wires that HJ had and fire, aiming to take off at least the droid's auto-turret.