[center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] Before the droid can do anything else, I leap through the air and land on it’s back, driving my unlit lightsaber into it’s shoulder wound and thumb the activation. My blade cuts through several of it’s internal wiring until it finally collapses and stops moving. “Finally! That was one tough droid.” [center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] I crawl across the floor, grasping at the blade stuck in my arm. “Ack! Good... work, droid. And y... you too, Jedi.” [center][h2] HJ Twilight [/h2][/center] “Not a Jedi, but thanks.” I walk over and remove a kolto patch from my belt. Removing the blade from his arm, I use my lightsaber to cauterize the wound before applying the patch. “There we go. On your feet.” I pull him up to stand. “Now, where are those workers?” [center][h2] Omega Squad Leader [/h2][/center] “The other room. I had them bound so they couldn’t run.” Pauses a moment. “I reconsidered my original statement about not needing them alive. Their foreman may have useful intel.” I lead HJ and Hank into the next room, where Foreman Izel is tied up, along with his two assistants.