[@King Cosmos] The latter sounds hilarious. [@Lmpkio] First off, you put way too much effort into this for an RP that doesn't even have an OOC, I'm happy you did but jeez dude. A basic human sheet that manages to actually be interesting is also an achievement. I do enjoy the weapon morph concept, but the hammerspace device concerns me just a bit. I'm worried that she could just toss another player in there and forget about them, which would definitely not be kosher. I'd like for there to be a size limit or for it to not be able to nab living things just to be sure. Other than that, the weapons are all very cool, the personality section is very well done, and I have no issues with the bio, whenever I get the OOC up you can put that right in CHAR. [@A Lowly Wretch] Very cool ability, I like the bio, and though brief your personality section gets across what I'm looking for well enough. My only concern is with the end of the ability section. "She also doesn't fully understand how her ties to sound go far deeper than just control. Mystically she and sound are one and the same. As such anything that manipulates sound also affects her to an extent." I'd like a bit more elaboration on that, if you'd prefer to keep that out of the public viewing then PM me. I don't expect everyone to put in as much work as Lmpkio, no way.