(Anyone can write them) Name: Erin, Niles, Melody, Morgana, Sarah, Leo Sexuality: Straight. Age: 16 Appearance: [img]https://i.imgur.com/ORxyjVv.png[/img] Alliance: Darkside DarkSide - legacy: Choice here DarkSide- What syndicate you are in: A private team called Brigade Skills: The basic weapon skills plus combat Powers: They can use all powers of nature because a necklace they all wear. Leo also has super-speed powers. Bio: They fight corrupt governments mentally, they can supernaturally dive into the internet literally, learn secrets, come one expose muh fuckers big time for their crimes. Brigade hate the governments for making life hard difficult for all societies, brigade fight selfish greedy governments as war. Brigade uses the criminal world to protect them from, the governments, police, those brain dead heroes to proud of themselves. They are also Shizuru's other friends as well. Erin and Niles somehow got body switched, they don't wish to undo it. Personality: Wise enough, other emotions depending on the situation Extras(optional) Darkside Classes: (They take these classes but they don't use it mostly). Poison 101 MMA 1 Bladed weapons1 Ballistic weapons School uniform: [hider=school uniform] [img]https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Il1OHFXXXXafXFXXq6xXFXXXj/6759948/HTB1Il1OHFXXXXafXFXXq6xXFXXXj.jpg[/img] [/hider].