[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/50VBWNfh/63507c917b644ae085a53d695ad43269.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2fa3b68ea7ccb5e241580009fa3f8dfe/tumblr_nrjjdcXvK71uq1wtvo1_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][h3][b][i][center][color=8519A2]Arc I - Terreille in Trouble[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h3] [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=SlateBlue]Faeril Ashkevron[/color] [img]https://img00.deviantart.net/57a4/i/2017/010/a/2/yennefer_of_vengerberg_by_nikivaszi-da82bef.jpg[/img] [color=SlateBlue]Winged Boar in Aren, Askavi[/color][/h3] [color=SlateBlue]Interacting with[/color] [@SilverPaw] [/center] [hr] Jassen stiffened as he felt Jandar behind him, the weight of the sheathed knife pressing into his back. As much as he was tempted to shove the Black Widow off the stairways, he was not foolish enough to trust these members of another Queen's Court. It went against his main desire to keep Lady Fatima in hiding. If she was to be revealed the other Queens would try to break her or bend her to their agenda. Outcomes that would put their beloved little village and the First Circle into jeopardy. He couldn't and wouldn't risk it unless there was no other choice. Hissing back equally low to the Dhemlan man who had befriended their Grey Queen, Jassen kept his words short and quiet as to not be heard by the warriors. "Do you think I want to bring harm to my Queen?" Faeril pretended not to hear the conversation behind her as she studied the three members of Lady Melian's First Circle. The Blood Opal could have been Second Circle but nothing lower than that. Even then he was most likely a spy to keep the rest in check even within the Queen's Court. Rustling her wings in a nervousness she could not hide the woman knew fighting was not a viable option. Not when they were on this narrow stairway when her back up lacked wings. Glancing back at Jean when he offered to stand by whatever decision she made proved to be a fatal mistake. Haelendar lunged forward his hand gripping the witch's wrist as he yanked her back into the trio. An action that threw Faeril off balance, though Jean would not a flash of temper in her icy eyes. Her glove on her right hand [b]vanished[/b] revealing to the man's keen eye a small sharp nail that struck into the offending man's jaw as she grabbed his face and sought to drive her thumb into his eye. There were several swears as Haelender howled in pain, a sound that surely carried. His comrades yanked the witch off, and with Faeril already tired, it was not much a hassle, pinning her to the stoney side of the carved stairs. "You bitch." Snarled the Consort as he gripped his jaw. "You poisoned me!" Faeril smirked in satisfaction even as her right arm was hell tight to the stone by one man, the other pinning herself. She had filled him with a good portion of her venom before the other two had recognized what was happening. It was merely a shame that the poison would not kill him as quickly as she would have liked. It would be a long and ugly death and one that was well deserved. Haelendar, however, placed a Sapphire shield between himself and the other two men who had come with the Black Widow. He would not risk an interruption as the Opal Warlord Prince forced the witch's hand open and pinned her ring finger to the stone. Grinning like a manic with a long bleeding scratch down his cheek that was turning an ugly red color. "You'll pay for that." Sword the man as he drew out a dagger testing it's edge. "We won't kill you, but we can't risk you harming our Lady." He sneered, "Or thinking you can get away." Faeril struggled and thrashed against the two male bodies pinning her as she let out a piercing shriek of rage. She had heard tales of what befell the other Black Widows but had never considered that they might actually go such lengths. Cutting an Eyrien's wings off was a crime to the body and soul. It sealed them away from the sky and shunned them from their own society. A sad fact but there were a few women and men born every generation without wings to the shame of their parents. A throwback to when an Eyrien had taken a lover of another race. But removing a witch's finger to strip a Black Widow of her snake tooth, natural or otherwise, was simply cruel. Panicked Faeril let out a ringing shriek as her wings beat and slammed into the Blood Opal that pinned them. Halaender merely laughed and set the blade of the knife against the base of the ring finger. [color=8519A2]Front Garden, Ahkevron Residence, Aven, Askavi Terreille[/color] [@13org] [@Zoey White] [@eclecticwitch] [@Slim Shady] The tiny woman was amusing, Gennar had to admit. A wild, snarling young Queen and while he by all right should have chucked her over the side of the cliff, Xandar's admission of knowing her soothed some of the Warlord's nerves. Though he wanted confirmation straight from Faeril before he took the young Fatima Damiana's word for truth. As the Ebon-Grey shield fell, the Green Jeweled Warlord noted his tow brothers walking among the killing field looking over the bodies for any calling cards or identification. A courtsey if they could deliever the bodies or at least find the order that the group was sent to their eyrie with. But it also alerted the oldest of the brothers as to a fact that chilled his blood. But the Dea Al Mon beat him to it, questioning Xandar sharply as the taller Eyrien pulled the tiny Queen to him about Faeril's whereabouts. Gennar didn't like that the Black Widow was missing. It was dangerous for her to go off on her own on a good day, on a day like this? It was a stupid risk. Gripping the young queen's arm, the shorter male didn't release her into Xandar's hold. [color=FireBrick]"A fair point. Where is Faeril Ashkevron, Xandar? Or did you just leave her to fend for herself after she pushed herself last night to heal you and Mikhail and sort out Dareen?"[/color] There was a cold tone to Gen's voice as he snarled deeper. [color=FireBrick]"These men were a distraction."[/color] [color=DarkKhaki]"Gen, these are Lady Melian's people. I recognize a few."[/color] Bellinar stated in a worried tone. [color=DarkKhaki]"Her Court was stirred up when I passed through."[/color] Gen swore and ran a hand through his head. Pulling Fatima back, he pushed the small girl gently behind him and out of the way of any potential fight. Turning to shove Xandar back away from Fatima despite knowing the dangers of stepping between a Warlord Prince and a Queen, if it was Xandar's Queen. Then his fist connected with the Warlord Prince's jaw. [color=FireBrick]"Where in Hell is Faeril, you son of a bitch? We entrusted her to you. She left the damn eyrie with you and you were responsible for her!"[/color] Raged the oldest of the brother, his siblings coming to grab his arms before he slugged the larger Eyrien. Cursing loudly, Gennar froze as a ringing shriek bounced across the mountain. His tanned face going white as his brother were paralyzed at the sound. [color=Tan]"They got her."[/color] Denvar whispered as Gen shook him off and took to the air, followed shortly by Bellinar.