[@Mystic Writer]: Hm... Well, you can parse a lot of the details from reading the IC, but if you don't want to... Well, there's a few off the top of my head. -Class is out for a week or so right now in-RP; spring break. We're on the Saturday after it started (the RP kicked off on a Friday). -I mentioned that fluency in one of English/Chinese/Japanese is mandatory in the city in the OP, I think? -Gil's got money. The Clock Tower can't Sealing Designation his Master because of its existence. There's more secrets than you see at first glance. -True Names aren't hidden by pretty much any given Servant because of how the city works. In fact, it's at the point where there have been interviews and stuff done. Historians are foaming at the mouth at this point. -Fusang being a public thing can be partially blamed on the Animuspheres, too, since Chaldea exists in this timeline. That being said, while Olga is alive, Mashu... Notably [i]isn't[/i]. I don't remember if there's anything else that comes to mind immediately, but... Well, that's a rough overview for now.