The mixed reactions were normal, rationalized Fergus. After all, he was there to take away their refuge... then offered help? Suspicions were only natural. Still, Sparrow was nothing but kind and thanked everyone for their support. Following Sparrow out the door and motioning for his two female friends to join them, Fergus commented on something the monk had said. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"Metal Road is full of old foundries yes? Forgive me if I am mistaken. I'm not actually from this city and don't know for sure."[/B][/COLOR] He didn't fully agree that would be the best place, but it WOULD have at least one unused warehouse they might be able to obtain. And perhaps some of the folks under his care could find work nearby as well. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"I was thinking perhaps near the old university on the northern side of the city. There should be a few sympathetic folks there that could provide more help. And you could take advantage of some of the disused buildings that have not been claimed for years. I'd be happy to walk with you and see if we can find a suitable structure, as it is on my way to to my next case."[/B][/COLOR] Fergus felt that he should be open with these folks. Admitting he wanted to help while also heading to his next case might have seemed selfish, but it would preserve his credibility with them. There was one other reason he suggested the area. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"There are also a few inns that you might be able to use for the short term in that area. They are less expensive, as they usually cater to traveling scholars and students of the university. Just an idea, of course."[/B][/COLOR] The group conversed as they walked, and things seemed to remain fairly civil for a time. But then things changed for the worse... for the WORST, some might argue. A sound just on the edge of hearing caught the attention of the Mnemon barrister. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"Hold on. What was that?"[/B][/COLOR] [CENTER]==================================================[/CENTER] The charge was on to claim the Imperial Ruins. Cackling Harlot and her horde of warriors descended from the eastern foothills and fell upon the city like a tsunami. At their rear came the Juggernaut, lumbering in from the coast. Even from a dozen miles away, its low guttural moan could be heard. It seemed to be a sort of rallying cry for the Harlot's forces, who all yelled out in unison upon hearing it. Harlot herself had begun setting structures ablaze around her, the flames dancing merrily in a macabre ballet of misery and destruction. Worse yet, the Juggernaut itself began to attack. From its distant vantage, the siege cannons began to fire. Rather than heavy shells of metal and firedust, the impacts seemed to deal minimal initial damage. Instead, lashing tendrils of silvery energy rushed out from the points the shells landed and corroded flesh and stone and metal alike. The sheer scope of the attack made one thing very clear... [CENTER]War had come to the Imperial Ruins. =======================================================[/CENTER] In moments, Fergus' outlook had gone from upbeat and hopeful and happy to be helping... to terrified and confused. Though he could not see the damage, he heard the moan of the Juggernaut and saw the shells falling from the sky and landing in the city. Combined with the smoke from the fires that were breaking out, it made obvious what was happening. It was Fergus who spoke up first among the group as they witnessed the start of another war. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"I don't want to worry anyone, but I think our priorities just shifted from finding shelter to survival."[/B][/COLOR] ... and then something confirmed his statement. A volley of three shells landed near them. One on a merchant's storehouse, one in a fountain, and another... through the wall of Sparrow's church. The screams were piercing as the silvery tendrils lashed out and began to consume the stone and metal of buildings and the flesh of any unfortunate people close enough to be touched. At the risk of sounding insensitive, Fergus spoke up again. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"We need to leave. Now. If we get caught by those things, we're every bit as d-"[/B][/COLOR] he was cut short when the eastern wall and the ceiling of Sparrow's church came crumbling down. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"By the dragons..."[/B][/COLOR] Fergus froze for a moment, but snapped back to reality when a fleeing man bumped into him and nearly knocked him over. [COLOR=FF8C00][B]"We need to go!"[/B][/COLOR]