"Well, yeah...but considering they're turned into gemstones, they could be--Wooooaaahh!" Sylvia stopped her answer half way after she took the gem from Shortfang and she immediately sensed the magic. She looked at the ring and read the inscription with wide eyes. When Pylia asked, she asked in return, "Wait. You don't see this?" She then told them, "This gem is [i]definitely[/i] the heart. The ring's inscription reads, 'Immortal body to serve. Loyalty beyond death. To wear the Bond, and share one's heart'," She then commented, "I don't know how to feel about this," On the one hand, it was kind of exciting, because this meant that they could get a lot of help from the robot. But on the other hand, she knew that this robot was once a person...who may be dead and in indentured servitude. She then asked pensively "Seems safe to wake up now since I'm wearing the ring...but, is it really okay...?"