[center][h2][color=f49ac2]Vivian[/color] [color=a2d39c]&[/color] [color=bc8dbf]Sylvia[/color] [color=a2d39c]Altissima[/color][/h2][/center] [@PaulHaynek] [color=bc8dbf]"Oh! Just the cyclops I was looking for!"[/color] Syliva exclaimed, [color=bc8dbf]"I'm Sylvia Altissima..."[/color] [color=f49ac2]"...and I'm Vivian,"[/color] Vivian concluded the introduction, looking up at Talia's impressive height. [color=bc8dbf]"I was hired by Bart to be the Guild's apothecary, and my sister was hired to be the Guild's pastry chef. We're actually looking to setup an herb garden and a greenhouse so I can grow the plants needed to make medicine. Ideally, it will be close to, if not accessible from, the kitchen, since that's wher my sister will be spending most of her time, and well, as you can see, I'm not very mobile."[/color] Sylvia gestured to the pot and the wheeled plank she used to get around. [color=bc8dbf]"The greenhouse will likely be the most difficult, since we'll need glass, but i can get started with just the herb garden. All it would need is a fenced-off area around some decent soil and maybe a shed for tools. Oh, we'll need gardening tools too."[/color] This last part Sylvia said more to herself as she became pensive and thoughtful, putting a hand t oehr chin, hoping she wasn't forgetting anything important.