The crowd along the hallway had gone, and rightfully so, considering the time. However, as Angelica 'Four' rounded a corner, she picked up some voices, and a group of students up ahead. As any hall monitor would do at such a time, she walked right up to them and spoke up. "Save the chit-chat for lunch hour, people. You're either in there," she pointed to the door of the administration office. "Or in class." She did not recognize three out of four in the group, and acknowledged the one whom she did, raising an eyebrow at the lizard thing. "Tyran." To the rest, whom she assumed were new students, she gave a formal smile. "Welcome to Oakport. If you have any doubts, feel free to approach me." She then ended off with a few more words. "If there are none right now, then off you go. These hallways need to be clear."