[right][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB8q9JLz01o[/url] Character song.[/right] [hider=OOC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] 🔸One to two paragraphs 🔸Several paragraphs [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] 🔸Yes. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] 🔸Always. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] 🔸Character growth, relationships. New experiences. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] 🔸Nothing at the moment. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] 🔸Meaningless death. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] 🔸Character development as a Sith Acolyte. 🔸Character relations to other acolytes/Force users. 🔸Hardships and shortcomings. 🔸Important milestones in her training/possible escape or Sith Apprenticeship. [/hider] [hider=Imperial personnel files] [b] Name: [/b] 🔸Mahree Mais-ede [b] Species: [/b] 🔸Human (Velmorian) [b] Homeworld: [/b] 🔸Velmor [b] Age: [/b] 🔸16 [b] Gender: [/b] 🔸Female [b] Rank: [/b] 🔸Acolyte [b] Master: [/b] 🔸TBD [b] Former master(s): [/b] 🔸N/A [b] Apprentice(s): [/b] 🔸N/A [b] Sphere of influence: [/b] 🔸TBD [/hider] [hider=Imperial Intelligence Reports] [h3][sub]Short description of candidate.[/sub][/h3] [hider=Mahree] [img]https://i.imgur.com/CLoZkRb.jpg[/img] [/hider] 🔸 Coming in at 63" tall and weighing around 100 lbs., Mahree is a little on the smaller side for her age. [h3][sub]Simplified report on known Force techniques and estimated levels.[/sub][/h3] 🔸As an older Force Sensitive who wasn't picked up at a younger age, Mahree lived most of her life knowing she was with the Force. Without proper training or interaction with anyone who could teach her, most of her knowledge of the Force is minimal and very basic at the most. She has been able to harness her connection with the Force to a certain degree. [b]Undiscovered Talent[/b] Telekenesis || Mahree has done some practice moving objects through use of the Force. Though she has very little understanding of how to control it. [h3][sub]Simplified report on other known skills and estimated levels, including lightsaber training.[/sub][/h3] 🔸[b]Novice Training[/b] Staff Skill || Growing up on a farm, Mahree has had her fair share of aggressive predators, and aggressive people. She's learned how to wield a staff fairly well. 🔸[b]Intermediate Skill[/b] Animal Handling || Because she was raised on a farm that tended to both crops and livestock, Mahree has a very natural ability when it comes to working with animals. [h3][sub]Quick report on political influence, ownerships, associates and rivals.[/sub][/h3] 🔸Dashara Horizon, associate. [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of candidate.[/sub][/h3] 🔸Mahree was a confident young girl, living a life of hard work on her family farm, but loving it. She had a loving mother who taught Mahree that you have to work for your dreams, nothing comes from nothing. Until recently, when her home was ransacked, destroyed, and she was stolen away from her home, she believed in herself and believed all people to be good, no matter their history. Now, with nothing left to her name, her family dead and her home light-years away, she doesn't know what to believe anymore, nor what to expect in her new situation. [h3][sub]List of uncovered and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] 🔸[b]Timid, yet Bold at times.[/b] || Mahree is a naturally timid girl. At her home, she was learning to trust herself, to have confidence and believe. Now, stolen away from her home due to her connection with the Force, Mahree loses hope and confidence the further away she goes, and the longer she stays in her captor's company. She had mustered up enough courage to attempt an escape, what was left of her fearless nature making her choose freedom over submission. Her escape, however, was thwarted, resulting in a very painful evening and a new scar running along the side of her head. 🔸[b]Caring and Compassionate[/b] || Mahree always loved caring for the farm animals as she grew up. She also enjoyed watching after younger children, teaching them, guiding them. This still holds true in her heart today. Despite being stolen away from her home, Mahree still refuses to let go of her compassion for others, for those that need help and a friend. Though each day it is proving harder and harder to show love for others. [h3][sub]Major achievements and failures on record.[/sub][/h3] 🔸Taught herself how to use the Force to move objects, Telekinesis. 🔸Failure to protect her family and her home, was stolen away by slavers then taken captive by a Sith. [/hider] [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the candidate for use in Imperial Archives. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] 🔸 Mahree Mis-Ede is a red-haired Velmorian Human girl who was born and raised on a farm. Her father was out of the picture, her mother being a hard-working woman who taught her daughter everything about working for what you want and believing in your dreams. Mahree discovered she was Force-sensitive at the age of eight years. She hid it from her mother at first, but soon became afraid of her connection with the Force. She had no teacher besides herself, but her mother constantly supported the girl, as any caring mother would. Before being stolen away from her home at the age of sixteen, Mahree was a bold young girl with a bright and glowing personality. She spoke up for others and fought for her mother when aggressive creatures or pirates threatened the farm. After using her connection with the Force to fight off aggressors, word travelled that there was a Force-sensitive child living on Velmor. After her home was ransacked, and she and her mother taken by slavers, they lived a hard few months under their captors' whim. After the slavers got on the wrong side of a Sith Inquisitor, Mahree found herself orphaned, homeless, and in the hands of said Sith, on her way to who knows where. Her fighting spirit was quickly broken at the hands of said Sith, the young girl underestimating his command over the Force. An escape attempt gone wrong, she sustained a long scar on the left side of her head. With no one to turn to, no allies or friends, Mahree feels that any attempt to fight back or escape proves useless. The girl feeds off the strength and determination of others, but being on her own, being without anyone to give support, her motivation is fleeting and she is quickly succumbing to submission. [/hider]